Monday, January 21, 2019

Lettering: Trademarks, October 22, 1935

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office

(Next post on Monday: San Diego Comic Con ’74 Progress Report 2)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Anatomy of a Logo: Starr-dust from Hollywood

Pittsburgh Post Gazette, August 8, 1931

Los Angeles Evening Express; original art; undated, circa 1931

(Next post on Monday: Trademarks, October 22, 1935)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Under Cover: Asia, 1932

Covers by Frank McIntosh 
(scanned from a bound volume)

January: Masked Dancers of Ceylon

February: India’s Symbolic Wheel

March: Bright Moment

April: Innovation

May: Intermittent Rhythm

June: Himalayan Mood

July–August: Youthful Republicans

September–October: Who'll Buy?

November: Fisher Cormorant

December: South Sea Skyline

(Next post on Monday: Starr-dust from Hollywood)