Business Directory of the Leading Wholesale and Retail Business Houses of Philadelphia for 1870
Advertisement below
1870s engraving of Philadelphia businesses below

The Pittsfield Sun
November 27, 1872
Clark & Co., photographers, display a frame of fine specimens of wood engraving at the post office, such as views of buildings, machinery, monograms, book illustrations, &c., being agents for the celebrated engravers, Crosscup & West of Philadelphia. They will take orders for anything desired in this line.
Juniata Sentinel
(Mifflintown, Pennsylvania)
February 19, 1873
$5 to $25 Per Day—Agents Wanted
to sell a Beautiful Portrait, in oil colors, of
the Hero of Gettysburg, the late Maj. Gen.
Geo. G. Meade. Send $1 for outfit or 25 cts
for sample. Crosscup & West, 702 Chest-
nut St., Philadelphia. Pa.
The Cambria Freeman
(Ebensburg, Pennsylvania)
February 21, 1873
$5 to $25 Per Day—Agents Wanted
to sell a Beautiful Portrait, in oil colors, of the
Hero of Gettysburg, the late Maj. Gen. Geo. G.
Meade. Send $1 for outfit or 25 cts. for sample.
Crosscup & West, 703 [sic] Chestnut St., Philad’a.
The Petroleum Centre Daily Record
February 25, 1873
$5 to $25 Per Day—Agents Wanted
to sell a Beautiful Portrait, in oil colors, of the He-
ro of Gettysburg, the late Maj. Gen. Geo. G. Meade
Send $1 for outfit or 25 cts for sample. Cross
cup & West, 702 Chestnut St, Philadelphia. Pa.
1874 New Post Office
Broadway, New York
A Crosscup & West 1876 advertisement can be viewed at Sheaff

Crosscup & West (wood), 702 Chestnut street, 709.
Pettengill’s Newspaper Directory and Advertisers’ Hand-book for 1877
S.M. Pettengill & Co.
Advertisement below
Photographic Mosaics: An Annual Record of Photographic Progress
Edward L. Wilson, Editor
Edward L. Wilson, 1879
Advertisement below

Rowell’s American Newspaper Directory
Small engravings of newspaper buildings
Around 1881 Frederic Eugene Ives joined Crosscup & West.
The Sunday-School World
December 1882
History of the Underground Railroad in Chester and the Neighboring Counties of Pennsylvania
Office of the Journal, 1883
Four photographs of men engraved by Crosscup & West
November 3, 1883
Advertisement; repeated December 1, 1883
Pagoda Shadows
Adele M. Fielde
W. G. Corthell, 1884
Pages 64, 91, 227 and 268 with photographs engraved by Crosscup & West
The Publisher’s Weekly
Advertisement, below, ran from February 23 to October 25, 1884.
The Publishers’ Weekly
Advertisement, below, ran from November 1, 1884 to March 20, 1886. Advertisement also ran in The American Stationer, The Gardeners’ Monthly and Horticulturist and The American Florist.
The Publishers’ Weekly
November 21–28, 1885
Specimen of “Ives” Process, employed by the leading Publishers.
Philadelphia Inquirer
April 26, 1886
A Firm Name Dispute.
Crosscup & West, engravers, on Saturday filed a bill in equity for the protection of their firm name against Joseph H. Weeks and the Moss Engraving Company. The plaintiffs formerly did business at No. 702 Chestnut street, but afterwards moved to No. 717 Arch street. They alleged that the defendant, Weeks, while employed by them as a clerk, signed himself to correspondents as “manager,” and fraudulently secured possession of their order books. Recently he left their employ, and has since sent out circulars stating that he has “severed his connection with Messrs. Crosscup & West” and has “opened a branch office at the old stand, No. 702 Chestnut street,” the branch office being of the Moss Engraving Company. The plaintiffs ask the court to grant an injunction restraining him from publishing this circular, and from using their firm name in any business card, circular or advertisement.
Philadelphia Inquirer
December 17, 1886
Fully Vindicated.
The bill against Joseph H, Weeks, charged by Crosscup & West with carrying off their order book and customer list, has been dismissed by the court. Mr. Weeks is from Upper Merlon, and is the Philadelphia manager for the Moss Engraving Company of New York. He left his previous situation to engage with the above firm, and this charge was brought against him. No evidence, however, could be produced to satisfy the court of the justice or correctness of the allegation, and Mr. Weeks was accordingly exonerated.
Howard O. Sprogle
…The etchings, including both scenes and portraits, are the work of the Crosscup & West Engraving Company.
Owego Daily Record
…The etchings, including both scenes and portraits, are the work of the Crosscup & West Engraving Company.
Owego Daily Record
(New York)
July 20, 1888
Caught in the Act.
How a California Forcer’s Scheme Was Detected.
Philadelphia, July 20.—The prevention of a scheme to defraud two New York bank[s] out of thousands of dollars was brought to light last Tuesday in San Francisco, when Dr. R. M. Osburn of Kingsbury, Col, was arrested by detectives while going to the postoffice to get two blank plates of checks, which were made by Crosscup & West of this city, and by which he expected to reap a harvest of money.
On Feb. 16 Crosscup & West received a letter from one Charles Bender of Traver, CaL, who wanted a facsimile of a draft made which he enclosed. Bender afterwards sent the firm a check on the Farmers’ bank of Fresno, drawn on its correspondent, the Chase National bank of New York. In the meantime Crosscup & West communicated with Chief Wood and had him correspond with the officials of the bank. Crosscup & West sent the checks to Bender, who at once gave an order and asked for the originals.
On May 9 he wrote from Kingsbury, using his right name—Dr. R. M. Osburn—to the Farmers’ bank for a draft for $560, payable to Crosscup & West. The draft was sent him, and on May 15 be sent it to the Philadelphia firm. About the latter part of June Crosscup & West shipped to Bender two plates of drafts, one on the Chase National bank and the other on the Fourth National bank of New York. Chief Wood telegraphed the Western banks ;to watch for the plates, and this led to the arrest of the forger Bender.
Caught in the Act.
How a California Forcer’s Scheme Was Detected.
Philadelphia, July 20.—The prevention of a scheme to defraud two New York bank[s] out of thousands of dollars was brought to light last Tuesday in San Francisco, when Dr. R. M. Osburn of Kingsbury, Col, was arrested by detectives while going to the postoffice to get two blank plates of checks, which were made by Crosscup & West of this city, and by which he expected to reap a harvest of money.
On Feb. 16 Crosscup & West received a letter from one Charles Bender of Traver, CaL, who wanted a facsimile of a draft made which he enclosed. Bender afterwards sent the firm a check on the Farmers’ bank of Fresno, drawn on its correspondent, the Chase National bank of New York. In the meantime Crosscup & West communicated with Chief Wood and had him correspond with the officials of the bank. Crosscup & West sent the checks to Bender, who at once gave an order and asked for the originals.
On May 9 he wrote from Kingsbury, using his right name—Dr. R. M. Osburn—to the Farmers’ bank for a draft for $560, payable to Crosscup & West. The draft was sent him, and on May 15 be sent it to the Philadelphia firm. About the latter part of June Crosscup & West shipped to Bender two plates of drafts, one on the Chase National bank and the other on the Fourth National bank of New York. Chief Wood telegraphed the Western banks ;to watch for the plates, and this led to the arrest of the forger Bender.
The St. Johns Herald
August 9, 1888
It Was a Big Scheme.
The Publishers Weekly
November 22, 1890
The Artist Printer
August 9, 1888
It Was a Big Scheme.
The Publishers Weekly
November 22, 1890
The Artist Printer
“A Mother’s Kiss” engraved by Crosscup & West
The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1892
Tennant and Ward, 1892
“Engaged” and “An Old Roman Garden” photographs engraved by Crosscup & West
The Clothier and Furnisher
August 1894
Advertisement; repeated September and October 1894
1900 Boyd’s Co-Partnership and Residence Business Directory of Philadelphia City
C. E. Howe Company, 1900
Crosscup & West (George W Crosscup and William R West jr), engravers, 147 N 10th
Crosscup & West, 147 N 10th
* * * * *
November 7, 1842, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1850 United States Federal Census
Northern Liberties, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Albert Crosscup, 30 [Shoemaker]
Sarah Crosscup, 28
Daniel Crosscup, 9
George Crosscup, 7
Mary Crosscup, 3
Jane Duncan, 56
1860 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Albert Crosscup, 39 [Shoemaker]
Sarah Crosscup, 38
Daniel L Crosscup, 19 [Sculptor Apprentice]
George W Crosscup, 17 [Engraver]
Mary J Crosscup, 13
History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–5, Volume V
Samuel P. Bates
Militia of 1862
Eighth Regiment
Organized September 12, 1862
Discharged September 24–25, 1862
Company E: …George W. Crosscup
National Park Service
Crosscup, George
Battle Unit Name: 29th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry
Side: Union
Company: K
Soldier’s Rank In: Private
Soldier’s Rank Out: Private
McElroy’s Philadelphia City Directory, 1865
Crosscup George W., engraver, 147 S 4th, h 1208 Haines
Fayetteville Observer
June 4, 1868
Geo W Crosscup,
Designer and Wood Engraver,
702 Chestnut St., (Press Building)
Philadelphia, Pa.
Views of Buildings, Machinery, Mono-
grams, Posters, Book Illustrations, &c.
Above advertisement repeated June 11 and 18, 1868
The Hickman Courier
August 15, 1868
New Advertisements.
Geo. W. Crosscup
Designer and wood Engraver,
702 Chestnut street, (Press Building),
Philadelphia, Pa.
Views of Building, Machinery, Mono-
grams, Posters, Book Illustrations, &c.

Above advertisement repeated in the Courier August 22, 1868, August 29, 1868, September 5, 1868, September 12, 1868, September 19, 1868, and September 26, 1868
1870 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Geo W Crosscup, 28 [Wood Engraver]
Louisa Crosscup, 25
Lizzie Crosscup, 5
George Crosscup, 3
Albert Crosscup, 50 [Shoemaker]
Library Company of Philadelphia
Click the above link; in the new window click the stereo-card in the upper left corner. The sign, George W. Crosscup, Engraver on Wood, is to the left on the third floor.
The Commissioners of Patents’ Journal
August 30, 1872
George W. Crosscup, of Philadelphia, Pa., for a “Combined chair and lounge.” " One of the arms is hinged to the base and connected to the back by a web, and the other arm is hinged to the back, and swings back to allow the unfolding of the
Specifications and Drawings of Patents Issued from the U.S. Patent Office
April 6, 1875
George W. Crosscup, [Filed May 15, 1874.] To all whom it may concern: Be it known that l, George W. Crosscup of the city and county of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
April 6, 1875
1880 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
George Crosscup, 38 [Wood Engraver]
Louisa Crosscup, 35
Sarah Crosscup, 15
The Record of Growth
January 1882
John J. Deery, 903 Walnut St., who furnished plans for the New Market House on South 12th street, described elsewhere, has kept his draftsmen full of material for a long while. He is now supervising two very pleasantly located residences at Ridley Park, a few miles out of the city. One of .them is for Mr. George W. Crosscup, of the Chestnut street engraving firm, Crosscup & West.
The design is of the Queen Anne type, and the manner in which it is broken and arranged renders it ornate and picturesque. The front is 25 feet, and greatest width 31 feet, length 45 feet with the addition of piazza 9 feet. making it 54 feet in length. It contains on first floor, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, pantry, summer kitchen and front and rear stairs. Second floor is divided into sitting-room, five chambers and bath-room. Third floor contains three chambers and store-room. In all, fourteen rooms. The stories are 10 ft. 6 in., and 9 ft., 6 in clear. The cellar walls extend above the grade four feet and are faced with Leiperville stone, which is of a gray caste. The superstructure is formed of frame and will be painted in a creditable and artistic manner. There are piazzas on the front, side, and rear of the house.
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
Crosscup George W., 1525 Montgy av
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crosscup
Crosscup G. W.
1891 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, City Directory
Name: George W Crosscup
Street address: 1525 Montg'y
Occupation: Secretary
Philadelphia Inquirer
February 9, 1893
Crosscup.—Suddenly, on the 5th inst., Louisa, wife of George W. Crosscup, in her 48th year.
Services for relatives at the residence of her husband, 1525 Montgomery avenue, at 11 A.M., Thursday, 9th inst. Final services at Grace Temple, Broad and Berks streets, at 12 M/ Thursday, to which friends are invited. Interment at West Laurel Hill.
1900 Boyd’s Co-Partnership and Residence Business Directory of Philadelphia City
C. E. Howe Company, 1900
Crosscup George W (Crosscup & West), h 1525 Montgomery av
Crosscup & West (George W Crosscup and William R West jr), engravers, 147 N 10th
1900 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Marriage
Phoebe Miller
1900 United States Federal Census
1525 Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Geo W Crosscup, 52 [Engraver]
Phoebe Crosscup, 37
1908 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, City Directory
Name: George W Crosscup
Street address: 1526 Montgomery av
Occupation: Engraver
Death Certificate
Date: March 15, 1910
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cause: Enlargement of Heart
Father: Albert A. Crosscup
Mother: Sarah Twadell
Burial: West Laurel Hill Cemetery
Burial Date: March 18, 1910
* * * * *
August 10, 1843, Glouster City, New Jersey
1850 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Wm R West, 42 [Stair Builder]
Lydia West, 42
Sarah J West, 14
Wm R West, 7
Mary E West, 3
Marinetta West, 1
1860 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Wm R West, 52 [Stair Builder]
Louisa West, 52
Sarah West, 19
Wm R West, 17
Mary E West, 13
Marionette West, 9
Mervina West, 7
Register of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–1865, Volume 11
119th Regiment
Company K
Wm R West
History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–5
Samuel P. Bates
One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment
National Park Service
West, Jr., William R
Battle Unit Name: 119th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry
Side: Union
Company: F & S
Soldier’s Rank In: Private
Soldier’s Rank Out: Sergeant Major
Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861–1865
Name: William R West
Residence: Pennsylvania
Age at Enlistment: 20
Enlistment Date: 15 Aug 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Pennsylvania
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Promoted to Full Sergeant on 22 Nov 1862. Enlisted in Company K, Pennsylvania 119th Infantry Regiment on 22 Aug 1862. Promoted to Full Sergeant Major on 27 Jul 1864. Mustered out on 19 Jun 1865 at Philadelphia, PA.
Birth Date: abt 1842
Sources: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–1865
1870 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
William West, 26 [Wood Engraver]
Susana West, 27
William West, 5
Charles West, 3
Minnie West, 10 months
1880 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
William R. West, 37 [Wood Engraver]
Susan West, 37
William H. West, 15
Chas. L. West, 13
Minnie West, 10
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
West William R., jr., 1423 N 21st
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
West William R., jr., 1423 N 21st
Philadelphia Inquirer
December 12, 1899
William R. West, Sr., a respected and widely known old-time Philadelphian, died yesterday morning at the family residence, 1830 North Eleventh street, in his ninety-second year. He was born on the old Smith farm at Valley Forge on June 19, 1808, and was a lineal descendant of Benjamin West, the noted painter. His father, Thomas West, was killed at the battle of North Point during the war of 1812….He is survived by three daughters and a son, William R. West, Jr., connected with the Beck Engraving Company of this city….
1900 Boyd’s Co-Partnership and Residence Business Directory of Philadelphia City
C. E. Howe Company, 1900
West William R jr (Crosscup & West), h 1830 N 11th
1900 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
William West, 36 [Wood Engraver]
Minnie West, 30
Mary E West, 53
Philadelphia Inquirer
May 16, 1910
West.—On May 14, 1910, William R. West, son of the late William R. and Lydia C. West, in his 67th year. Relatives and friends of the family, also Shekinah Lodge, N. 246, F and A M; Washington Lodge, No. 2, I O O F; Commonwealth Lodge, No. 215, K of P; Post No. 2, G A R; Veterans’ Association of the 119th Pa Volunteers; Apollo Senate, No 6, O of S; Cohocksink Beneficial Association of the managers of Monument Cemetery, are invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, May 18, at 2 P . M. from the residence of his son, Mr. William H. West, 2242 N 17th st. Interment in Monument Cemetery. The remains can be viewed on Tuesday, after 7 P.M.
Philadelphia Death Certificate
Name: William Richard West
Birth Date: 10 August 1843
Birth Place: Glouster City, New Jersey
Death Date: 14 May 1910
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age at Death: 66 years 9 months 4 days
Occupation: Engraver & Salesman
Marital Status: Widowed
Father: William R West Sr
Mother: Lydia C Biglow
Mother's Birth Place: United States
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985
Burial Date: 18 May 1910
Burial Place: Monument Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Next pot on Monday: The Hawkeye Yearbook, 1926–1927)
1870 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Geo W Crosscup, 28 [Wood Engraver]
Louisa Crosscup, 25
Lizzie Crosscup, 5
George Crosscup, 3
Albert Crosscup, 50 [Shoemaker]
Library Company of Philadelphia
Click the above link; in the new window click the stereo-card in the upper left corner. The sign, George W. Crosscup, Engraver on Wood, is to the left on the third floor.
The Commissioners of Patents’ Journal
August 30, 1872
George W. Crosscup, of Philadelphia, Pa., for a “Combined chair and lounge.” " One of the arms is hinged to the base and connected to the back by a web, and the other arm is hinged to the back, and swings back to allow the unfolding of the
Specifications and Drawings of Patents Issued from the U.S. Patent Office
April 6, 1875
George W. Crosscup, [Filed May 15, 1874.] To all whom it may concern: Be it known that l, George W. Crosscup of the city and county of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
April 6, 1875
1880 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
George Crosscup, 38 [Wood Engraver]
Louisa Crosscup, 35
Sarah Crosscup, 15
The Record of Growth
January 1882
John J. Deery, 903 Walnut St., who furnished plans for the New Market House on South 12th street, described elsewhere, has kept his draftsmen full of material for a long while. He is now supervising two very pleasantly located residences at Ridley Park, a few miles out of the city. One of .them is for Mr. George W. Crosscup, of the Chestnut street engraving firm, Crosscup & West.
The design is of the Queen Anne type, and the manner in which it is broken and arranged renders it ornate and picturesque. The front is 25 feet, and greatest width 31 feet, length 45 feet with the addition of piazza 9 feet. making it 54 feet in length. It contains on first floor, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, pantry, summer kitchen and front and rear stairs. Second floor is divided into sitting-room, five chambers and bath-room. Third floor contains three chambers and store-room. In all, fourteen rooms. The stories are 10 ft. 6 in., and 9 ft., 6 in clear. The cellar walls extend above the grade four feet and are faced with Leiperville stone, which is of a gray caste. The superstructure is formed of frame and will be painted in a creditable and artistic manner. There are piazzas on the front, side, and rear of the house.
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
Crosscup George W., 1525 Montgy av
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crosscup
Crosscup G. W.
1891 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, City Directory
Name: George W Crosscup
Street address: 1525 Montg'y
Occupation: Secretary
Philadelphia Inquirer
February 9, 1893
Crosscup.—Suddenly, on the 5th inst., Louisa, wife of George W. Crosscup, in her 48th year.
Services for relatives at the residence of her husband, 1525 Montgomery avenue, at 11 A.M., Thursday, 9th inst. Final services at Grace Temple, Broad and Berks streets, at 12 M/ Thursday, to which friends are invited. Interment at West Laurel Hill.
1900 Boyd’s Co-Partnership and Residence Business Directory of Philadelphia City
C. E. Howe Company, 1900
Crosscup George W (Crosscup & West), h 1525 Montgomery av
Crosscup & West (George W Crosscup and William R West jr), engravers, 147 N 10th
1900 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Marriage
Phoebe Miller
1900 United States Federal Census
1525 Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Geo W Crosscup, 52 [Engraver]
Phoebe Crosscup, 37
1908 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, City Directory
Name: George W Crosscup
Street address: 1526 Montgomery av
Occupation: Engraver
Death Certificate
Date: March 15, 1910
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cause: Enlargement of Heart
Father: Albert A. Crosscup
Mother: Sarah Twadell
Burial: West Laurel Hill Cemetery
Burial Date: March 18, 1910
* * * * *
August 10, 1843, Glouster City, New Jersey
1850 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Wm R West, 42 [Stair Builder]
Lydia West, 42
Sarah J West, 14
Wm R West, 7
Mary E West, 3
Marinetta West, 1
1860 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
Wm R West, 52 [Stair Builder]
Louisa West, 52
Sarah West, 19
Wm R West, 17
Mary E West, 13
Marionette West, 9
Mervina West, 7
Register of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–1865, Volume 11
119th Regiment
Company K
Wm R West
History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–5
Samuel P. Bates
One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment
National Park Service
West, Jr., William R
Battle Unit Name: 119th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry
Side: Union
Company: F & S
Soldier’s Rank In: Private
Soldier’s Rank Out: Sergeant Major
Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861–1865
Name: William R West
Residence: Pennsylvania
Age at Enlistment: 20
Enlistment Date: 15 Aug 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Pennsylvania
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Promoted to Full Sergeant on 22 Nov 1862. Enlisted in Company K, Pennsylvania 119th Infantry Regiment on 22 Aug 1862. Promoted to Full Sergeant Major on 27 Jul 1864. Mustered out on 19 Jun 1865 at Philadelphia, PA.
Birth Date: abt 1842
Sources: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861–1865
1870 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
William West, 26 [Wood Engraver]
Susana West, 27
William West, 5
Charles West, 3
Minnie West, 10 months
1880 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
William R. West, 37 [Wood Engraver]
Susan West, 37
William H. West, 15
Chas. L. West, 13
Minnie West, 10
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
West William R., jr., 1423 N 21st
Boyd’s Blue Book
C.E. Howe Company
West William R., jr., 1423 N 21st
Philadelphia Inquirer
December 12, 1899
William R. West, Sr., a respected and widely known old-time Philadelphian, died yesterday morning at the family residence, 1830 North Eleventh street, in his ninety-second year. He was born on the old Smith farm at Valley Forge on June 19, 1808, and was a lineal descendant of Benjamin West, the noted painter. His father, Thomas West, was killed at the battle of North Point during the war of 1812….He is survived by three daughters and a son, William R. West, Jr., connected with the Beck Engraving Company of this city….
1900 Boyd’s Co-Partnership and Residence Business Directory of Philadelphia City
C. E. Howe Company, 1900
West William R jr (Crosscup & West), h 1830 N 11th
1900 United States Federal Census
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Household Members:
Name / Age
William West, 36 [Wood Engraver]
Minnie West, 30
Mary E West, 53
Philadelphia Inquirer
May 16, 1910
West.—On May 14, 1910, William R. West, son of the late William R. and Lydia C. West, in his 67th year. Relatives and friends of the family, also Shekinah Lodge, N. 246, F and A M; Washington Lodge, No. 2, I O O F; Commonwealth Lodge, No. 215, K of P; Post No. 2, G A R; Veterans’ Association of the 119th Pa Volunteers; Apollo Senate, No 6, O of S; Cohocksink Beneficial Association of the managers of Monument Cemetery, are invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, May 18, at 2 P . M. from the residence of his son, Mr. William H. West, 2242 N 17th st. Interment in Monument Cemetery. The remains can be viewed on Tuesday, after 7 P.M.
Philadelphia Death Certificate
Name: William Richard West
Birth Date: 10 August 1843
Birth Place: Glouster City, New Jersey
Death Date: 14 May 1910
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age at Death: 66 years 9 months 4 days
Occupation: Engraver & Salesman
Marital Status: Widowed
Father: William R West Sr
Mother: Lydia C Biglow
Mother's Birth Place: United States
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985
Burial Date: 18 May 1910
Burial Place: Monument Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Next pot on Monday: The Hawkeye Yearbook, 1926–1927)