August 28 would have been Kirby’s 100th birthday.
“Facts You Never Knew” was a strip created by cartoonist H.T. Elmo (1903–1992). He is profiled here. The strip was copyrighted on March 20, 1936 and Elmo used the pseudonym Bob Dart. “Facts You Never Knew” was drawn by at least three artists: Elmo, Jack Kirby and an unidentified artist, possibly Irv Tirman.
In 1935 Elmo copyrighted five strips, “Detective Riley”, “Goofus Family”, “Little Buddy”, “Dash Dixon”, and “Laughs from the Day's News!” “Your Health Comes First!!!” was copyrighted a day ahead of “Facts You Never Knew”. All of the strips were distributed through Elmo’s Lincoln Newspaper Features which was based in New York City.
All of the strips were numbered. The lowest number I’ve found for “Facts You Never Knew” is 58 but it was preceded by an unnumbered strip that was published in the weekly newspaper The Attica News (Attica, New York), March 12, 1936; number 58 appeared the following week. The unnumbered “Facts You Never Knew”, signed by Lawrence in the third panel, appeared with three other Lincoln Newspaper Features strips: “Dash Dixon”, “Little Buddy” and “Detective Riley”, all numbered 57. Presumably Elmo created the pseudonyms Bob Dart and Lawrence.

The Medina Tribune (Medina, New York) also published “Facts You Never Knew” and other Lincoln Newspaper Features strips. The unnumbered “Facts You Never Knew” appeared May 28, 1936 along with “The Goofus Family”, number 57, and “Little Buddy”, number 61. Although the strips were numbered they sometimes appeared out of numerical order or not at all due to space limitations or holidays. It’s not clear if the first 56 strips of “Facts You Never Knew” exist or were renumbered. When “Facts You Never Knew” debuted, Elmo may have started the numbering to match the other titles.
The highest number I’ve found for “Facts You Never Knew” is 552 which appeared in Fords Beacon (New Jersey), August 9, 1945. Number 552 appeared first as 268 then 401. On August 16 and 23, and September 6, 1945, Fords Beacon printed a few more “Facts You Never Knew” that may have been numbers 553, 554 and 556. The Independent-Leader also published possible strip numbers 554 and 555 on August 23 and 30, 1945. The numbers on these strips were obscured or missing. Elmo reused many of the strips once and sometimes twice.
The following newspapers published significant numbers of “Facts You Never Knew” although there were gaps in each run.
Attica News, numbers 57 to 448
Fords Beacon, numbers 69 to 556(?)
Independent-Leader, numbers 361 to 555(?)
Medina Tribune, numbers 57 to 322
San Juan Record, numbers 93 to 196
The Wave, numbers 165 to 327
I believe Kirby’s first “Facts You Never Knew” was number 77 that was used again as number 147. Number 274 was Kirby’s last “Facts You Never Knew” and it reappeared as numbers 406 and 552. Kirby’s run was interrupted several times with strips by Elmo.
Greg Theakston wrote about “Facts You Never Knew” in his books The Complete Jack Kirby, Volume One, 1917–1940 (1997) and The Comic Strip Jack Kirby (2006). Here are the strips in The Complete Jack Kirby, Volume One, 1917–1940; I added keywords to help identify each strip.
82 Melted Butter; England; Fingers; Monograms
86 Egyptians; Mothers; New Zealand; Salt
221 Beggar; Jimmy Dorsey; Lightning; Photomania
253 Lammergeier; Apicius; Portugal; Frank Gilbert
On page 31 is a sidebar “Kirby or Not Kirby? That is the Question” with the strip titled “Curiosities and Oddities”, by Barton, which appeared in the Putnam County News, April 15, 1937. Theakston said he believed “Curiosities and Oddities” was a “lost” Kirby feature. My research found this strip was “Facts You Never Knew” number 64 in the Attica News, April 30, 1936. The strip was signed Lawrence in the Attica News but unsigned and unnumbered in the Putnam County News. Apparently Elmo resold the strip under a different title and artist. Also the “Curiosities and Oddities” art looks more like Elmo than Kirby.
Theakston wrote that Kirby’s mother saved proofs and clippings of her son’s strips and panels in a scrapbook. Theakston did not say how many strips of “Facts You Never Knew” were in the scrapbook. Apparently the scrapbook included strips by Elmo.
These are the “Facts You Never Knew” strips in The Comic Strip Jack Kirby.
82 Melted Butter; England; Fingers; Monograms
85 Chrysanthemum; Peter the Great; Evil Eye; Monte Carlo
87 Invitation Cards; Passports; Mah Jong; Persia
91 Raw Silk; Hair; Lead; Fan
95 Congo; Letter; Sweat; Scalps
97 Phoenician; Tatooed [sic]; Creoles; Handball
108 Minks; Coffee; Napoleon; Copper; Cotton
221 Beggar; Jimmy Dorsey; Lightning; Photomania
226 Martin Benson; Jacques Cartier; Stowaways; Ostriches
251 Emperor Claudius; Beau Brummell; Cardinal Richelieu; Papuans
Theakston said Kirby used the pseudonym Lawrence on the panel “Laughs from the Day’s News”. Panels number 79 (signed) and 88 (unsigned) were included in the first volume of The Complete Jack Kirby. Numbers 79, 87 (unsigned) and 88 (shown twice) appeared in The Comic Strip Jack Kirby. It’s not clear who came up with the pseudonym.
Theakston noted that Kirby also lettered his work. That observation was helpful in identifying strips by Kirby or with Kirby art.
An introduction to Elmo’s drawing style is necessary because his art should not be mistaken for early Kirby work. The following samples of Elmo’s work were found in the Street & Smith movie magazine Picture Play. He produced at least six installments of “Did You Know That” in these issues: November 1932 (below); December 1932 (below); January 1933 (below); February 1933; April 1933; and May 1933.
These samples are representative of Elmo’s drawing and lettering style. He was more adept at humorous than realistic drawings. Below are Elmo’s signature from 1933 (“Did You Know That”), 1936 (“Little Buddy”) and 1937 (“Detective Riley”). This signature appeared on some “Facts You Never Knew” strips. Kirby signed some of his strips as Elmo and the signature was different.
There are strips with both Kirby and Elmo art and it’s not clear how this happened. Did Elmo and Kirby collaborate? Did Elmo cut apart some Kirby strips? Also, there are a few panels with Elmo art and Kirby lettering. Did Elmo ink or redraw Kirby’s work?
I have posted the strips, that I believe, are by Kirby in total or in part. The reprinted strips are included as well.
* * *
What follows is an annotated list of “Facts You Never Knew” with links to the newspapers Fords Beacon, Independent-Leader, Medina Tribune and San Juan Record. Images from the Attica News and The Wave are from the Old Fulton New York Postcards website. In addition to “Facts You Never Knew”, some newspapers had the Kirby panels “Laughs from the Day's News!”, “Your Health Comes First!!!” and/or “Our Puzzle Corner” on the same page.
The Attica News printed this advertisement on March 5, 1936.
Here are “Facts You Never Knew” numbers 57 to 69. Numbers 58 and 59 were signed Dart which was Elmo’s pseudonym. Numbers 60 and 63 were unsigned but resemble the art in numbers 61, 62 and 64 to 68 which were signed Lawrence. Beginning with number 69, the art was signed Elmo and had his byline.
57 Mayflower; Mississippi River; Toga; General Sherman
Attica News, March 12, 1936 0828.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 28, 1936
58 (also 137) Tobacco; Frankfurters; Pretzels; Bismarck
Attica News, March 19, 1936 0836.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 11, 1936; Smithtown Star, March 25, 1936 00044_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 58
59 Silk; Hair Color (art by another artist, possibly Kirby although she doesn’t look like other Kirby women); Book Monument; Cow Tree
Attica News, March 26, 1936 0844.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 18, 1936
Below is a panel from “Detective Riley” number 175, a swipe from the strip above. The panel was printed in The Wave, July 7, 1938.
60 (also 138) Fish-Pie; Walnut; Sheep’s Tails; Cobra Meat; Silk Garments
Attica News, April 2, 1936 0852.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 25, 1936
61 Strings; Healing Rock; Fujiyama; Pick and Shovel
Attica News, April 9, 1936 0860.pdf; Smithtown Star, April 15, 1936 00054_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 61
62 Lakes; Einstein; Coffee (drawing of head used again in “Facts” 105); Marriage; Mail Carriers
Attica News, April 16, 1936 0868.pdf; Smithtown Star, April 22, 1936 00057_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 62
63 Trousers; Whiskers; Oysters; Coconuts; Castor Oil
Attica News, April 23, 1936 0875.pdf; Smithtown Star, April 29, 1936 00060_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 63
64 Gorillas; Elephants; Siberia; Brain; Bakery
Attica News, April 30, 1936 0883.pdf
65 Pirannas; Valparaiso, Chile; One Dollar; Ice-Boxes; Sturgeon
Attica News, May 7, 1936 0891.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 2, 1936; Smithtown Star, May 13, 1936 00066_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 65
66 San Luis Park; Silkworm Cocoon; Polar Bears; Splinter; Oriental Goby; Mt. Mwariye
Attica News, May 14, 1936 0899.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 9, 1936
67 Chimpanzee; Olive Trees; Butter; Heart; Muskrats; Tailor
Attica News, May 21, 1936 0907.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 16, 1936
68 Swimming Suits; Bicycle Race; Blind Fish; Phoenicians; Kangaroos
Attica News, May 28, 1936 0915.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 23, 1936
69 (also 139) Waste-Baskets; Lion Skin; Skunks; Stale Cake; Carnations; Pork
Attica News, June 4, 1936 0923.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 29, 1936; Medina Tribune, August 6, 1936
Numbers 70 to 76 are by Elmo.
70 (also 140) Holland; Carpet Tacks; Ben Franklin; Borneo; Ermine; Vest and Fez
Attica News, June 11, 1936 0931.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 30, 1936
71 (also 141) Soap; Rags; Ham; Shoes; Minks; Perfume
Attica News, June 18, 1936 0939.pdf; Medina Tribune, August 20, 1936
72 (also 142) Hat; Jewels and Gems; Underwater; Garments
Attica News, June 25, 1936 0946.pdf; Medina Tribune, August 13, 1936
73 (also 143) Candy; Fish; Cow; Prison; Rose Petals; Limburger Cheese; High-Heeled Shoes
Attica News, July 2, 1936 0954.pdf; Medina Tribune, August 27, 1936
74 (also 144) Spark; Ice Cream Cone; Silk Hats; Saw-Dust and Mushrooms
Attica News, July 9, 1936 0961.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 24, 1936; Medina Tribune, September 3, 1936
75 (also 145) Ad; Diplomas; Bans; Bread; Mt. Irazu; Church-Bell
Attica News, July 16, 1936 0967.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 10, 1936; Medina Tribune, September 10, 1936
76 (also 146) Soda Water; Legume; Moss; Hats; Baptize; Skin
Attica News, July 23, 1936 0973.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 17, 1936; Medina Tribune, September 17, 1936; Smithtown Star, July 29, 1936 00103_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 76
Numbers 77 through 98 are entirely or in part by Kirby; note his lettering style. The best available images are shown.
77 (also 147) Greeks; Human Hair; Louis XII; Australian Tribes
Attica News, July 30, 1936 0979.pdf
78 (also 148) Napoleon; Hottentots; Lightning; Mount Jonendake
Attica News, August 6, 1936 0987.pdf
79 (also 149) Crow Indians; Australia; Egyptians; New South Wales
Attica News, August 13, 1936 0993.pdf
80 (also 150) Sir Walter Scott; Eyebrows; Navajos; Zulu Rain Doctor
Attica News, August 20, 1936 0998.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 14, 1936 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 80
81 (also 151) Caterpillars; Hot Stones; Romans; Hebrews
Attica News, August 27, 1936 1005.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 21, 1936 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 81; Medina Tribune, November 19, 1936
82 (also 152) Melted Butter; England; Fingers; Monograms
Attica News, September 10, 1936 1017.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 28, 1936 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 82; Medina Tribune, November 12, 1936
83 (also 153) Golf; Women Actors; Australia; Lynching
Attica News, September 17, 1936 1022.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 4, 1936 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 83; Medina Tribune, November 5, 1936
84 (also 154) New Born Baby; Black Cats; Arabs; Grave
Attica News, October 8, 1936 1040.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 11, 1936 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 84 ; Medina Tribune, September 24, 1936
85 (also 155) Chrysanthemum; Peter the Great; Evil Eye; Monte Carlo
Attica News, October 15, 1936 1048.pdf; Medina Tribune, November 26, 1936; Smithtown Star, September 30, 1936 00136_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 85
86 (also 156) Egyptians; Mothers; New Zealand; Salt
Attica News, October 22, 1936 1056.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 3, 1936
87 (also 157) Invitation Cards; Passports; Mah Jong; Persia (by Elmo)
Attica News, November 5, 1936 1073.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 10, 1936
88 (also 158) Salt; Anvil; Chopsticks; Beauty
Attica News, November 12, 1936 1081.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 24, 1936; Smithtown Star, October 21, 1936 00148_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 88
89 (also 159) Charlemagne; Emporor [sic] of Germany; Uganda; Primitive Man
Attica News, November 19, 1936 1088.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 31, 1936
90 (also 160) Sneeze; Donkey; Hair; Wine Cup
Attica News, November 26, 1936 1096.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 7, 1937; Smithtown Star, November 4, 1936 00156_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 90
91 (also 161) Raw Silk; Hair; Lead; Fan
Attica News, December 3, 1936 1104.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 14, 1937
92 (also 162) Vikings; Two Names; Slapping; Coats (by Elmo); New Moon
Attica News, December 24, 1936 1126.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 21, 1937
93 (also 163) Barber Poles; Loki; Comanche Indians; Sharks
Attica News, December 31, 1936 1134.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 28, 1937; San Juan Record, December 24, 1936
94 (also 164) Savages; Puritans; Cloth; Indian Tribes
Attica News, January 7, 1937 1145.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 4, 1937; Smithtown Star, November 25, 1936 00170_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 95
95 (also 165) Congo; Letter; Sweat; Scalps
Attica News January 14, 1937; Medina Tribune, February 11, 1937; San Juan Record, February 4, 1937
96 (also 166) Mongols; Negro Chiefs; Polynesians; Tipping
Attica News, January 21, 1937 1161.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 18, 1937 ; San Juan Record, February 25, 1937
97 (also 167) Phoenician; Tattooed; Creoles; Handball
Attica News, January 28, 1937 1168.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 25, 1937; San Juan Record, February 18, 1937
98 (also 168) Bread; Scotland; Old Shoes; Recline
Attica News, February 4, 1937 1176.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 18, 1936 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 98; Medina Tribune, March 4, 1937; San Juan Record, January 21, 1937; Smithtown Star, December 30, 1936 00190_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 98
Strips with Kirby art or lettering are shown below.
99 (also 169) Roofs; Goats’ Milk; Mourning; Fat; Cartagena, Columbia
Attica News, February 11, 1937 1184.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 11, 1937; San Juan Record, March 11, 1937; Smithtown Star, January 6, 1937 00004_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 99
100 (also 170) Worship Cows; Clothing; Echo Lake; Human Scalps
Attica News, February 18, 1937 1192.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 30, 1936; Medina Tribune, March 18, 1937; San Juan Record, March 25, 1937
101 (also 171) Removing Shoes; Silver Fox; Chaldeans; Gloves; Church Bell
Attica News, February 25, 1937 0022.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 15, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First”102; Medina Tribune, March 25, 1937; San Juan Record, April 1, 1937
102 (also 172) Fish; Prayers; Columbus; Hindoos
Attica News, March 4, 1937 0030.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 22, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 103; Medina Tribune, April 1, 1937; San Juan Record, April 8, 1937; Smithtown Star, January 27, 1937 00022_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 102
103 (also 173) Gun; Buttons; Stockings; Leather; Skunks
Attica News, March 11, 1937 0038.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 29, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 104; Medina Tribune, April 8, 1937
104 (also 174) Sumatra; Central and South America; Napple; Celery Leaves; Swimming
Fords Beacon, February 5, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 105; Medina Tribune, April 22, 1937; San Juan Record, May 27, 1937; Smithtown Star, February 10, 1937 00031_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 104
105 (also 175) Bow; Skulls; Coffins (Kirby lettering; drawing of head was first used in “Facts” 62); Fox Meat; Monkeys
Attica News, March 25, 1937 0054.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 12, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 106; Medina Tribune, June 17, 1937; San Juan Record, June 10, 1937
106 (also 176) Wolf Fish; Shrimp; Oats; Shoes; Licorice
Attica News, April 1, 1937 0062.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 1, 1937
107 (also 177) Shoes; Fritz Babel; Spinosissimus; Shagu; Zebra Age; Tomatoes
Attica News, April 8, 1937 0070.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 26, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 108; Medina Tribune, July 8, 1937
108 (also 178) Minks; Coffee; Napoleon; Copper; Cotton
Attica News, April 15, 1937 0078.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 5, 1937; plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 109; Medina Tribune, July 15, 1937
109 (also 179) Greeks; Bells; Mink; Formosa; Bali; Chinchilla
Attica News, April 22, 1937 0086.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 12, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 110; Medina Tribune, July 22, 1937
110 (also 180) Indian; King James; Phoenicians; Sicily
Attica News, April 29, 1937 0094.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 19, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 111; Medina Tribune, July 29, 1937
111 (also 181) Tin-Foil (by Kirby); Rattlesnake; Footwear (by Kirby); Hats; Steel Corsets (Kirby lettering)
Attica News, May 6, 1937 0102.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 26, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 112; Medina Tribune, August 5, 1937; Smithtown Star, March 31, 1937 00067_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 111
112 (also 182) Woolen Garments; Sugar Cane (by Kirby); Skull; Swanee River (by Kirby)
Attica News, May 13, 1937 0110.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 2, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 113; Medina Tribune, August 12, 1937; Smithtown Star, April 7, 1937 00073_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 112
113 (also 183) Druggists; Women; Coffin; Worship Plants
Attica News, May 20, 1937 0118.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 9, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 114; Medina Tribune, August 19, 1937
114 (also 184) Pepper; Flies; Chinese Empress; Eels; Roof
Attica News, May 27, 1937 0126.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 16, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 115; Medina Tribune, September 2, 1937; San Juan Record, June 17, 1937; Smithtown Star, April 21, 1937 00083_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 114
115 (also 185) Bushmen; Yosemite; Shoes; Perfumes; Wine
Attica News, June 3, 1937 0134.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 23, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 116; Medina Tribune, September 9, 1937; Smithtown Star, April 28, 1937 00089_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 115
116 (also 186) Blue Fox; Cotton; Breakfast; Eggs; Trousers
Attica News, June 10, 1937 0142.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 30, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 117; Medina Tribune, August 26, 1937; Smithtown Star, May 5, 1937 00094_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 116
117 (also 187) Sea-Weeds; Holland; Razor Blades; Grand Canyon; Sumatra; Silk Garments
Attica News, June 17, 1937 0150.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 16, 1937
118 (also 188) Vests (by Kirby); Coat; Chinchillas; Hats; Dyed Hair
Attica News, June 24, 1937 0158.pdf; Fords Beacon May 7, 1937; Medina Tribune, September 30, 1937
119 (also 189) Ice-Boxes; Drug Store; Pygmy Minks; Shoes; Cotton Garments
Attica News, July 1, 1937 0166.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 14, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 118; Medina Tribune, October 21, 1937
120 (also 190) Egyptians; Portugal; Norway; Butter; Borneo
Attica News, July 8, 1937 0174.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 21, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 120; Medina Tribune, November 11, 1937
121 (also 191) Suits; Floating Garden; Prescriptions; Raccoons; Overcoats; Korea
Fords Beacon, May 28, 1937 plus Kirby’s “Your Health Comes First” 121; Medina Tribune, November 18, 1937
122 (also 192) Furs: Spain, Greenland, Tripoli; Raccoon Cubs; Chocolate; Cato
Fords Beacon, June 4, 1937; Medina Tribune, November 25, 1937
123 (also 193) Chinese; Zulu; Fiji; Potatoes; Sandals
Attica News, July 22, 1937 0190.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 11, 1937; Medina Tribune, December 2, 1937
124 (also 194) Rugs: Oriental; Rajahs; Museums; Persians
Attica News, July 22, 1937 0190.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 18, 1937; Medina Tribune, December 9, 1937
125 (also 195) Beaver; Yunnang Tribes; Foxes’ Tongues; Ponce de Leon; Turbans
Attica News, July 29, 1937 0198.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 16, 1937
126 (also 196) Mirrors; Jackets; Eats Books; Cat; Blood-Root Plant
Attica News, July 29, 1937 0198.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 23, 1937
127 (also 197) Donkeys; Sea Horses; Tombstone; Coffins (Kirby lettering); Fortress
Medina Tribune, January 6, 1938; Smithtown Star, July 21, 1937 00154_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 127
128 (also 198) Ostrich Eggs; Evil Eye; Arab Woman; Rub Noses
Fords Beacon, July 16, 1937; Medina Tribune, December 30, 1937; National Road Traveler, July 4, 1940
129 (also 199) Buttons; Champagne; Muskrats; Swimmer (swam into “Facts” 130); Royal Color (looks like Kirby art)
Attica News, August 12, 1937 0214.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 10, 1938; National Road Traveler, February 1, 1945
130 (also 200) Roofs; Iodine; Swimmer; Sheep; Hats
Attica News, August 12, 1937 0214.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 30, 1937; Medina Tribune, February 17, 1938; National Road Traveler, February 1, 1945
131 (also 201) Swineherds; Vikings; Nero; Silk (by Elmo); Cacao Beans (by Elmo)
Attica News, August 19, 1937 0222.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 24, 1938; National Road Traveler, June 6, 1940
132 (also 202) Roofs (by Elmo); Gloves; Shadow; Eskimo
Attica News, August 19, 1937 0222.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 13, 1937; Medina Tribune, March 10, 1938; Smithtown Star, August 25, 1937 00179_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 132
133 (also 203) Chipmunk; Egypt (Kirby art, Elmo lettering); Gloves; Silk Garments; Soap (by Kirby)
Attica News, September 2, 1937 0238.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 17, 1938
134 (also 204) France; India (looks like Elmo art); Skunks (by Elmo); Sharks; Iron Hats
Attica News, September 2, 1937 0238.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 27, 1937; Medina Tribune, March 24, 1938; National Road Traveler, June 6, 1940; Smithtown Star, September 8, 1937 00189_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 134
135 (also 205) Swimming; Sleds; Woolen Trousers (by Kirby); Opossum
Attica News, September 16, 1937 0254.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 3, 1937; Medina Tribune, March 31, 1938; National Road Traveler, April 18, 1940; Smithtown Star, September 15, 1937 00194_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 135
136 (also 206) Celery Leaves; Arab Tribes; Skunk Cather; Tree
Attica News, September 23, 1937 0262.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 10, 1937; Medina Tribune, April 7, 1938; National Road Traveler, April 18, 1940; Smithtown Star, September 22, 1937 00197_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 136
137 (also 58) Tobacco; Frankfurters; Pretzels; Bismarck
Attica News, October 7, 1937 0262.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 26, 1938
138 (also 60) Fish-Pie; Walnut; Sheep’s Tails; Cobra Meat; Silk Garments
Attica News, October 7, 1937 0278.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 1, 1937; Medina Tribune, January 20, 1938; Smithtown Star, October 6, 1937 00207_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 138
139 (also 69) Waste-Baskets; Lion Skin; Skunks; Stale Cake; Carnations; Pork
Attica News, September 23, 1937 0278.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 3, 1937; Medina Tribune, January 13, 1938; Smithtown Star, September 29, 1937 00202_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 139
140 (also 70) Holland; Carpet Tacks; Ben Franklin; Borneo; Ermine; Vest and Fez
Attica News, October 14, 1937 0286.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 21, 1938
141 (also 71) Soap; Rags; Ham; Shoes; Minks; Perfume
Attica News, October 21, 1937 0294.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 24, 1937; Smithtown Star, October 27, 1937 00223_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 141
142 (also 72) Hat; Jewels and Gems; Underwater; Garments
Attica News, October 28, 1937 0302.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 22, 1937; Smithtown Star, October 20, 1937 00218_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 140
143 (also 73) Candy; Fish; Cow; Prison; Rose Petals; Limburger Cheese; High-Heeled Shoes
Attica News, November 4, 1937 0310.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 28, 1938; National Road Traveler, August 17, 1944; Smithtown Star, November 10, 1937 00236_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 143
144 (also 74) Spark; Ice Cream Cone; Silk Hats; Saw-Dust and Mushrooms
Attica News, November 11, 1937 0318.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 12, 1937; Medina Tribune, May 5, 1938; National Road Traveler, August 17, 1944; San Juan Record, January 20, 1938
145 (also 75) Ad; Diplomas; Bans; Bread; Mt. Irazu; Church-Bell
Attica News, November 18, 1937 0325.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 12, 1938; San Juan Record, January 27, 1938; Smithtown Star, November 24, 1937 00246_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 145
146 (also 76) Soda Water; Legume; Moss; Hats; Baptize; Skin
Attica News, November 25, 1937 0334.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 19, 1938; Smithtown Star, December 1, 1937 00252_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 146
Numbers 147 to 168 are Kirby reprints
147 (also 77) Greeks; Human Hair; Louis XII; Australian Tribes
Attica News, December 2, 1937 0342.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 14, 1938; San Juan Record, February 10, 1938; Smithtown Star, December 8, 1937 00258_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 147
148 (also 78) Napoleon; Hottentots; Lightning; Mount Jonendake
Fords Beacon, December 23, 1937; Medina Tribune, September 14, 1939; San Juan Record, April 14, 1938
151 (also 81) Caterpillars; Hot Stones; Romans; Hebrews
Attica News, January 6, 1938 0385.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 21, 1939; National Road Traveler, August 17, 1944; San Juan Record, May 12, 1938
152 (also 82) Melted Butter; England; Fingers; Monograms
Medina Tribune, October 5, 1939; National Road Traveler, August 17, 1940; Smithtown Star, January 12, 1938 00016_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 152
153 (also 83) Golf; Women Actors; Australia; Lynching
Attica News, January 13, 1938 0393.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 14, 1938; Medina Tribune, October 19, 1939; San Juan Record, May 26, 1938
154 (also 84) New Born Baby; Black Cats; Arabs; Grave
Fords Beacon, January 21, 1938; Medina Tribune, November 9, 1939; San Juan Record, June 2, 1938
155 (also 85) Chrysanthemum; Peter the Great; Evil Eye; Monte Carlo
Attica News, January 20, 1938: 0401.pdf; Medina Tribune, November 24, 1938; San Juan Record, March 17, 1938
156 (also 86) Egyptians; Mothers; New Zealand; Salt
Attica News, January 27, 1938 0407.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 1, 1938; San Juan Record, June 16, 1938; Smithtown Star, February 9, 1938 00035_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 156
157 (also 87) Invitation Cards; Passports; Mah Jong; Persia (by Elmo)
Attica News, March 10, 1938 0445.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 18, 1938; Medina Tribune, December 22, 1938; San Juan Record, June 23, 1938
158 (also 88) Salt; Anvil; Chopsticks; Beauty
Attica News, March 17, 1938 0453.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 29, 1938; San Juan Record, July 21, 1938
159 (also 89) Charlemagne; Emporor [sic] of Germany; Uganda; Primitive Man
Attica News, March 24, 1938 0461.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 4, 1938; Medina Tribune, January 5, 1939; San Juan Record, June 30, 1938
160 (also 90) Sneeze; Donkey; Hair; Wine Cup
Attica News, March 31, 1938 0469.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 2, 1939; National Road Traveler, August 3, 1940; San Juan Record, August 4, 1938; Smithtown Star, March 9, 1938 00053_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 160
163 (also 93) Barber Poles; Loki; Comanche Indians; Sharks
Attica News, April 21, 1938 0493.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 1, 1938; Medina Tribune, May 11, 1939
164 (also 94) Savages; Puritans; Cloth; Indian Tribes
Attica News, April 28, 1938 0501.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 18, 1939
165 (also 95) Congo; Letter; Sweat; Scalps
Attica News, May 5, 1938 0509.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 22, 1938; Medina Tribune, June 1, 1939; The Wave, June 2, 1938 0624.pdf
166 (also 96) Mongols; Negro Chiefs; Polynesians; Tipping
Attica News, May 12, 1938 0517.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 22, 1939; The Wave, June 9, 1938 0632.pdf
167 (also 97) Phoenician; Tatooed [sic]; Creoles; Handball
Attica News, May 19, 1938 0525.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 2, 1938; San Juan Record, August 11, 1938; The Wave, April 14, 1938 0559.pdf
168 (also 98) Bread; Scotland; Old Shoes; Recline
Attica News, May 26, 1938 0533.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 15, 1938; Medina Tribune, June 9, 1938; San Juan Record, August 18, 1938; The Wave, April 28, 1938 0574.pdf
169 (also 99) Roofs; Goats’ Milk; Mourning; Fat; Cartagena, Columbia
Attica News, June 2, 1938 0541.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 6, 1938; Medina Tribune, June 16, 1938; San Juan Record, September 1, 1938; The Wave, May 12, 1938; 0594.pdf
170 (also 100) Worship Cows; Clothing; Echo Lake; Human Scalps
Attica News, June 9, 1938 0549.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 23, 1938; San Juan Record, November 17, 1938; The Wave, May 5, 1938; 0585.pdf
171 (also 101) Removing Shoes; Silver Fox; Chaldeans; Gloves; Church Bell
Attica News, June 16, 1938 0557.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 20, 1938; Medina Tribune, June 30, 1938; The Wave, May 26, 1938; 0610.pdf
172 (also 102) Fish; Prayers; Columbus; Hindoos
Attica News, June 23, 1938 0565.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 27, 1938; Medina Tribune, July 7, 1938; The Wave, May 19, 1938; 0602.pdf
173 (also 103) Gun; Buttons; Stockings; Leather; Skunks
Attica News, June 30, 1938 0573.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 3, 1938; Medina Tribune, March 9, 1939
174 (also 104) Sumatra; Central and South America; Napple; Celery Leaves; Swimming
Attica News, July 7, 1938 0581.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 23, 1939; The Wave, June 16, 1938; 0640.pdf
175 (also 105) Bow; Skulls; Coffins; Fox Meat; Monkeys
Attica News, July 14, 1938 0589.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 17, 1938; Medina Tribune, April 6, 1939; The Wave, July 7, 1938 0664.pdf
176 (also 106) Wolf Fish; Shrimp; Oats; Shoes; Licorice
Attica News, July 28, 1938 0603.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 24, 1938; Medina Tribune, April 13, 1939; The Wave, June 28, 1938 0656.pdf
177 (also 107) Shoes; Fritz Babel; Spinosissimus; Shagu; Zebra Age; Tomatoes
Fords Beacon, July 1, 1938; Medina Tribune, April 27, 1939; The Wave, June 21, 1938 0648.pdf
178 (also 108) Minks; Coffee; Napoleon; Copper; Cotton
Attica News, August 11, 1938 0619.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 8, 1938; Medina Tribune, May 25, 1939; Smithtown Star, July 13, 1938 00171_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 178; The Wave, July 28, 1938 0688.pdf
179 (also 109) Greeks; Bells; Mink; Formosa; Bali; Chinchilla
Attica News, August 18, 1938 0627.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 15, 1938; Medina Tribune, July 21, 1938; The Wave, July 14, 1938 0672.pdf
180 (also 110) South American Indian; King James; Phoenicians; Sicily
Attica News, September 22, 1938 0667.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 26, 1938; Medina Tribune, October 27, 1938; The Wave, September 1, 1938 0728.pdf
Numbers 181, 182, 188, 194, 198, 199 and 201 to 206 are Kirby reprints.
181 (also 111) Tin-Foil (by Kirby); Rattlesnake; Footwear (Kirby lettering); Hats; Steel Corsets (Kirby lettering)
Attica News, September 1, 1938 0643.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 5, 1938; Medina Tribune, August 4, 1938; The Wave, July 21, 1938 0680.pdf
182 (also 112) Woolen Garments; Sugar Cane (by Kirby); Skull; Swanee River (by Kirby)
Attica News, August 25, 1938 0635.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 22, 1938; Medina Tribune, July 28, 1938; The Wave, August 4, 1938 0696.pdf
183 (also 113) Druggists; Women; Coffin; Worship Plants
Attica News, September 8, 1938 0651.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 12, 1938; Medina Tribune, August 11, 1938; Smithtown Star, August 10, 1938 00192_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 180; The Wave, August 18, 1938 0712.pdf
184 (also 114) Pepper; Plague of Flies; Chinese Empress; Eels; Roof
Attica News, September 15, 1938 0126.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 19, 1938; Medina Tribune, August 18, 1938; Smithtown Star, August 17, 1938 00197_2.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 183; The Wave, August 11, 1938 0704.pdf
185 (also 115) Bushmen; Yosemite; Shoes; Perfumes; Wine
Attica News, November 17, 1938 0731.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 30, 1938; Medina Tribune, September 22, 1938; The Wave, September 22, 1938 0752.pdf
186 (also 116) Blue Fox; Cotton; Breakfast; Eggs; Trousers
Attica News, October 27, 1938 0707.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 23, 1938; Medina Tribune, August 25, 1938; The Wave, October 20, 1938 0784.pdf
187 (also 117) Sea-Weeds; Holland; Razor Blades; Grand Canyon; Sumatra; Silk Garments
Attica News, September 29, 1938 0675.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 29, 1938; Medina Tribune, September 15, 1938; The Wave, August 25, 1938 0720.pdf
188 (also 118) Vests (by Kirby); Coat; Chinchillas; Hats; Dyed Hair
Attica News, October 20, 1938 0699.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 16, 1938; Medina Tribune, September 1, 1938; The Wave, September 29, 1938 0760.pdf
189 (also 119) Ice-Boxes; Drug Store; Pygmy Minks; Shoes; Cotton Garments
Attica News, October 13, 1938 0691.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 9, 1938; Medina Tribune, September 29, 1938; The Wave, September 8, 1938 0736.pdf
190 (also 120) Egyptians; Portugal; Norway; Butter; Borneo
Attica News, October 6, 1938 0683.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 2, 1938; Medina Tribune, September 8, 1938; The Wave, September 15, 1938 0744.pdf
191 (also 121) Suits; Floating Garden; Prescriptions; Raccoons; Overcoats; Korea
Attica News, January 5, 1939 0792.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 10, 1938; Medina Tribune, December 8, 1938; Smithtown Star, November 16, 1938 00306_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 191; The Wave, November 24, 1938 0825.pdf
192 (also 122) Furs: Spain, Greenland, Tripoli; Raccoon Cubs; Chocolate; Cato
Attica News, November 24, 1938 0739.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 14, 1938; Medina Tribune, October 13, 1938; San Juan Record, October 6, 1938; The Wave, December 1, 1938 0833.pdf
193 (also 123) Chinese; Zulu; Fiji; Potatoes; Sandals
Attica News, January 5, 1939 0788.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 4, 1938; Medina Tribune, November 17, 1938; The Wave, October 13, 1938 0776.pdf
194 (also 124) Rugs: Oriental; Rajahs; Museums; Persians
Attica News, December 15, 1938 0762.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 28, 1938; Medina Tribune, November 10, 1938; The Wave, October 6, 1938 0768.pdf
195 (also 125) Beaver; Yunnang Tribes; Foxes’ Tongues; Ponce de Leon; Turbans
Attica News, December 1, 1938 0747.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 21, 1938; Medina Tribune, November 3, 1938
197 (also 127) Donkeys; Sea Horses; Tombstone; Coffins (Kirby lettering); Fortress
Attica News, January 19, 1939 0808.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 23, 1938; Medina Tribune, January 19, 1939; The Wave, December 15, 1938 0849.pdf
198 (also 128) Ostrich Eggs; Evil Eye; Arab Woman; Rub Noses
Attica News, February 2, 1939 0824.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 20, 1939; Medina Tribune, March 30, 1939; The Wave, December 8, 1938 0841.pdf
199 (also 129) Buttons; Champagne; Muskrats; Swimmer; Royal Color (looks like Kirby art)
Attica News, January 12, 1939 0800.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 18, 1938; Medina Tribune, January 26, 1939; The Wave, December 29, 1938 0867.pdf
200 (also 130) Roofs; Iodine; Swimmer; Sheep; Hats
Attica News, February 9, 1939 0832.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 27, 1939; Medina Tribune, February 16, 1939; The Wave, January 12, 1939 0015.pdf
201 (also 131) Swineherds (by Kirby); Vikings (by Kirby); Nero (by Kirby); Silk (by Elmo); Cacao Beans (by Elmo)
Attica News, February 16, 1939 0840.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 3, 1939; Medina Tribune, February 23, 1939
202 (also 132) Roofs (by Elmo); Gloves; Shadow; Eskimo
Attica News, January 26, 1939 0816.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 2, 1938; Medina Tribune, January 12, 1939; Smithtown Star, December 28, 1938 00351_1.pdf plus “Our Puzzle Corner” 202; The Wave, November 17, 1938 0817.pdf
203 (also 133) Chipmunk; Egypt (Kirby art, Elmo lettering); Gloves; Silk Garments; Soap
Attica News, March 30, 1939 0888.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 30, 1938; Medina Tribune, September 25, 1941; National Road Traveler, April 18, 1940; The Wave, January 26, 1939 0032.pdf
204 (also 134) France; India (looks like Elmo art); Skunks (by Elmo); Sharks; Iron Hats
Attica News, April 13, 1939 0904.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 13, 1939; Medina Tribune, October 16, 1941; The Wave, January 20 [19], 1939 0023.pdf
205 (also 135) Swimming; Sleds; Woolen Trousers (by Kirby); Opossum
Attica News, April 6, 1939 0896.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 6, 1939; Medina Tribune, September 25, 1941
206 (also 136) Celery Leaves; Arab Tribes; Skunk Catcher; Tree
Attica News, March 23, 1939 0880.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 18, 1941; Smithtown Star, January 1939 00015_1.pdf; The Wave, January 5, 1939 0007.pdf
New strips by Kirby or with Kirby art from 207 to 268, and 270 to 274
207 Hard Wood; Polar Bear (by Elmo); Cacao Beans; Ukelele (by Elmo)
Attica News, February 23, 1939 0848.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 9, 1938
208 (also 501
) Peacock Feathers (by Elmo); Eskimos; Butter (by Elmo); Minks; first Jack Curtiss byline
Attica News, March 9, 1939 0864.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 16, 1938; Independent Leader, August 11, 1944; Medina Tribune, August 14, 1941; Smithtown Star, February 1939 00030_2.pdf
209 (also 502) Muskrats (by Elmo); Gizzard (by Elmo); Aztecs (by Kirby); Palettes (Kirby art, Elmo lettering); Charles I (by Elmo)
Fords Beacon, February 10, 1939; Independent Leader, August 25, 1944; Medina Tribune, November 6, 1941; The Wave, February 9, 1939 0050.pdf
210 (also 503) Tibet; Honduras; Ben Franklin (by Elmo); Topotes Ejaculator (by Elmo); Palm Leaves (by Elmo)
Attica News, April 27, 1939 0920.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 17, 1939; Independent Leader, September 1, 1944; Medina Tribune, September 11, 1941; Smithtown Star, February 1939 00040_2.pdf; The Wave, February 16, 1939 0058.pdf
211 Kitten; Collectomania; Garbo; 5 Gallon
Attica News, May 4, 1939 0928.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 24, 1939; Medina Tribune, September 18, 1941; Smithtown Star, February 1939 00045_2.pdf; The Wave, February 23, 1939 0066.pdf
212 (also 505) Wallpaper; Dogs and Cats; Herr Karl Lutz; Matiya Krpan
Attica News, May 11, 1939 0936.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 3, 1939; Independent Leader, September 8, 1944; Medina Tribune, November 20, 1941; The Wave, February 2, 1939 0041.pdf
213 (also 506) 69 Children; Oysters; Bullet
Fords Beacon, March 10, 1939; Independent Leader, September 15, 1944; Medina Tribune, November 20, 1941; The Wave, March 2, 1939 0074.pdf
214 (also 507) Owls; Judge; Motion Pictures; Yellow Roses
Attica News, June 1, 1939 0960.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 17, 1939; Independent Leader, September 21, 1944; Medina Tribune, November 20, 1941; Smithtown Star, March 22, 1939 00060_2.pdf; The Wave, March 9, 1939 0082.pdf
215 (also 508) Doctor Dinckel; Jan Mayen; Ghost
Attica News, June 8, 1939 0968.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 24, 1939; Independent Leader, September 28, 1944; Medina Tribune, January 11, 1940; The Wave, March 16, 1939 0090.pdf
216 (also 517) Duel; Moon; Ghenghis Khan
Attica News, June 15, 1939 0976.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 31, 1939; Independent Leader, October 26, 1944; Smithtown Star, April 5, 1939 00071_2.pdf; The Wave, March 23, 1939 0098.pdf
217 (also 510) Aeroplane; Charles Atlas; Cigarette; Nomansland
Attica News, June 22, 1939 0984.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 14, 1939; Independent Leader, October 5, 1944; Medina Tribune, February 15, 1940; Smithtown Star, April 12, 1939 00076_2.pdf; The Wave, April 13, 1939 0122.pdf
218 (also 511) Driver Ants; Movie; Kallia; Novellus Tiberius
Independent Leader, October 12, 1944; Medina Tribune, January 25, 1940; Smithtown Star, April 19, 1939 00081_2.pdf; The Wave, April 20, 1939 0130.pdf
219 Paul Kern; Teutonic Couple; Sparrow; Silk Stocking
Attica News, June 29, 1939 0992.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 21, 1939; Independent Leader, May 3, 1945; Medina Tribune, February 22, 1940; Smithtown Star, April 26, 1939 00086_2.pdf; The Wave, March 30, 1939 0106.pdf
220 (also 513) Kiswa; Glass Mirrors; Oyster; Golden Eagle
Independent Leader, November 2, 1944; Medina Tribune, March 6, 1941; National Road Traveler, July 18, 1940; The Wave, April 6, 1939 0114.pdf
221 (also 540) Beggar; Jimmy Dorsey; Lightning; Photomania
Attica News, July 6, 1939 1000.pdf; Independent Leader, May 10, 1945; Medina Tribune, November 6, 1941; National Road Traveler, July 25, 1940
222 (also 512) Horseman from Hell; Pipe; Owl; Cop L
Independent Leader, October 19, 1944; Medina Tribune, October 16, 1941; The Wave, April 27, 1939
223 (also 514) Jivaro Warrior; England; Queer Jobs; Newspaper
Attica News, July 13, 1939 1008.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 19, 1939; Independent Leader, November 9, 1944; Medina Tribune, October 2, 1941; National Road Traveler, August 8, 1940
224 (also 515) Teeth; Brocken Spectres; Sea Lions; Mail
Fords Beacon, May 26, 1939; Independent Leader, November 16, 1944; Medina Tribune, October 2, 1941; The Wave, May 11, 1939 0154.pdf
225 (also 516) St. Bernard Dog; Zika Terzic; Bible; Chiang Kai-Shek
Attica News, July 20, 1939 1016.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 2, 1939; Independent Leader, November 22, 1944; Medina Tribune, March 27, 1941; National Road Traveler, August 15, 1940; Smithtown Star, 1939 00116_2.pdf; The Wave, June 1, 1939 0178.pdf
226 (also 517) Martin Benson; Jacques Cartier; Stowaways; Ostriches
Independent Leader, November 30, 1944; Medina Tribune, August 14, 1941; National Road Traveler, September 12, 1940
227 (also 518) Mars; Zulu Chieftain; Zapotic Indian; Married Before 16
Attica News, July 27, 1939 1024.pdf; Independent Leader, December 7, 1944; Medina Tribune, June 8, 1939; National Road Traveler, January 4, 1940; The Wave, June 8, 1939
228 (also 519) Dr. Kukuji; Julius Caesar; Liberia; Shoes
Independent Leader, December 14, 1944; Medina Tribune, June 15, 1939; National Road Traveler, January 18, 1940; The Wave, June 22, 1939 0208.pdf
229 (also 520) Festival of Stomachs; Honolulu Directory; Kallial Genek Podany
Attica News, August 3, 1939 1032.pdf; Independent Leader, December 21, 1944; Medina Tribune, July 6, 1939; National Road Traveler, March 14, 1940; The Wave, July 13, 1939 0232.pdf
230 Airplanes; Chimpanzee; Thalers; Dueling
Medina Tribune, July 20, 1939; National Road Traveler, April 4, 1940; The Wave, June 29, 1939 0216.pdf
231 (also 521) Louisiana; Alexander Selkirk; Russia; Switzerland
Attica News, August 10, 1939 1040.pdf; Independent Leader, December 28, 1944; Medina Tribune, August 3, 1939; National Road Traveler, January 25, 1940; Smithtown Star, July 19, 1939 00146_2.pdf; The Wave, July 6, 1939 0224.pdf
232 (also 522) Dogs; Knights; Kiss; Joine Arbus
Independent Leader, January 4, 1945; Medina Tribune, August 31, 1939; The Wave, July 20, 1939
233 (also 541) Tooth-Ache; Otto von Bismarck; Fingerprint; 50 Million Frenchmen
Attica News, August 17, 1939 1048.pdf; Independent Leader, May 24, 1945; Medina Tribune, June 29, 1939; Smithtown Star, August 2, 1939 00156_2.pdf; The Wave, August 10, 1939 0264.pdf
234 (also 523) Mecca; Antoine Pataki; Arctic Husky
Independent Leader, January 11, 1945; Medina Tribune, July 13, 1939; The Wave, August 3, 1939 0256.pdf
235 (also 524) Tarantula Spiders; Chase National Bank; Gablonz, Slovakia; Ghost Bus
Attica News, August 24, 1939 1056.pdf; Independent Leader, January 18, 1945; Medina Tribune, July 27, 1939; The Wave, August 24, 1939
236 (also 525) Cameras; Seaweed; Greyhound; China; 1956
Attica News, August 31, 1939 1064.pdf; Independent Leader, January 25, 1945; Medina Tribune, August 10, 1939; The Wave, July 27, 1939
237 (also 526) Athens; ABC’s of Motoring; Herbert Brown; Mr. Absher
Attica News, September 7, 1939 1072.pdf; Independent Leader, February 1, 1945; Medina Tribune, August 17, 1939; The Wave, August 24, 1939 0272.pdf
238 (also 527) Slant Eyes; Sophia Nishtchevitch; James Crichton; Wars
Attica News, September 14, 1939 1080.pdf; Independent Leader, February 8, 1945; Medina Tribune, August 24, 1939; The Wave, September 14, 1939 0304.pdf
239 (also 528) Chow Dogs; Black Hollywood; T. N. Koffey; Bulgaria
Attica News, September 21, 1939 1088.pdf; Independent Leader, February 15, 1945;
Medina Tribune, March 13, 1941; The Wave, September 7, 1939 0296.pdf
240 (also 529) Lottery; Shanghai; Wig; Queen Isabella
Attica News, September 28, 1939 1096.pdf; Independent Leader, February 22, 1945;
Medina Tribune, March 13, 1941; The Wave, August 31, 1939 0288.pdf
241 (also 530) Smoking; Slaves; Tasmanians; Marriage
Attica News, October 5, 1939 1104.pdf; Independent Leader, March 1, 1945; Medina Tribune, April 10, 1941; Smithtown Star, October 1939 00197_1.pdf; The Wave, September 21, 1939 0312.pdf
242 (also 531) William Lewis; Egypt and Germany; Russia; Panama
Attica News, October 12, 1939 1112.pdf; Independent Leader, March 8, 1945; Medina Tribune, April 17, 1941; The Wave, October 12, 1939 0336.pdf
243 (also 532) Cats; Stamps; Inter Marriages; Duke and King
Attica News, October 19, 1939 1120.pdf; Independent Leader, March 15, 1945; Medina Tribune, April 10, 1941; Smithtown Star, October 1939 00208_1.pdf; The Wave, September 28, 1939 0320.pdf
244 (also 533) Germanic Tribes; Catherine the Great; Charlotte Jones; Odd Names
Attica News, October 26, 1939 1128.pdf; Independent Leader, March 22, 1945; Medina Tribune, April 17, 1941; Smithtown Star, October 18, 1939 00214_1.pdf; The Wave, October 5, 1939 0328.pdf
245 (also 534) Flowers; Bushmen; Super Highways; Queen Elizabeth
Attica News, November 2, 1939 1136.pdf; Independent Leader, March 29, 1945; The Wave, November 9, 1939 0368.pdf
246 Glass Eyes; Aldro Lingard; Joan Jones; Teeth
Attica News, November 9, 1939 1144.pdf; Smithtown Star, November 1, 1939 00226_1.pdf; The Wave, October 19, 1939 0344.pdf
247 (also 535) Mars; Parrot; Oak of Abraham; Match Boxes
Attica News, November 16, 1939 1152.pdf; Independent Leader, April 5, 1945; The Wave, November 2, 1939 0360.pdf
248 (also 538) Madame Maupin; Red; Cold Feet; Periwig
Attica News, November 23, 1939 1160.pdf; Independent Leader, April 26, 1945; The Wave, October 26, 1939 0352.pdf
249 (also 537) Smoking; Anchor God; Monuments; Tamerlane
Attica News, November 30, 1939 1168.pdf; The Wave, November 23, 1939 0384.pdf
250 (also 536) Black Hair; Horseshoe; Russian Railway; Trebon, Bohemia
Attica News, December 7, 1939 1176.pdf; The Wave, November 30, 1939 0392.pdf
251 (also 387) Emperor Claudius; Beau Brummell; Cardinal Richelieu; Papuans
Attica News, December 28, 1939 1200.pdf; Medina Tribune, November 16, 1939; The Wave, November 16, 1939 0376.pdf
252 Andaman Islander; Knight Errantry; Captive Bride; Cecil Rhodes
Attica News, January 4, 1940 1210.pdf; Medina Tribune, November 23, 1939; The Wave, December 7, 1939 0400.pdf
253 Lammergeier; Apicius; Portugal; Frank Gilbert
Attica News, January 4, 1940 1211.pdf; Medina Tribune, November 30, 1939; The Wave, January 11, 1940 0448.pdf
254 Ant; Robert Fulton; Bartenders; Nameoddties
Attica News, January 11, 1940 1217.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 4, 1940; The Wave, December 14, 1939 0408.pdf
255 (also 391, 542) Kiss; Bow and Arrow; Shakespeare; Ghost Club; Writing
Attica News, January 18, 1940 1223.pdf; Independent Leader, May 31, 1945; Medina Tribune, April 11, 1940; Smithtown Star, January 3, 1940 00013_2.pdf; The Wave, December 28, 1939 0440.pdf
256 (also 392, 541) Stockings; Eskimos; Adams Apple; Pipe and Tobacco
Attica News, February 1, 1940 1236.pdf; Independent Leader, June 7, 1945; Medina Tribune, January 18, 1940; The Wave, January 4, 1940 0448.pdf
257 (also 544) Gallows; Frogs; Ad; Slot Machines
Attica News, February 1, 1940 1237.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 4, 1940; The Wave, January 25, 1940 0472.pdf
258 Justinus Szodan; Canary; Mount Auyantepuy; Clock
Attica News, February 8, 1940 1245.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 1, 1940; Smithtown Star, January 24, 1940 00029_1.pdf; The Wave, January 18, 1940 0456.pdf
259 (also 394, 545) Josie Terena; Marie Anne Lenormand; Weigh; Doorknobs; Lenin
Attica News, February 15, 1940 0010.pdf; Independent Leader, June 21, 1945;
Medina Tribune, February 8, 1940; The Wave, February 8, 1940 0488.pdf
260 (also 395, 546) Plant Patent; Mountains; Iceland; 70 Years
Attica News, February 22, 1940 0018.pdf; Independent Leader, June 28, 1945;
Medina Tribune, March 14, 1940; Smithtown Star, February 7, 1940 00041_1.pdf; The Wave, February 1, 1940 0480.pdf
261 (also 396, 547) Twins; Glass Mirrors; Cat; English Judges
Attica News, February 29, 1940 0049.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 21, 1940; The Wave, February 29, 1940 0512.pdf
262 (also 397, 548) Bessie Miller; Necktie; Calcutta, India; Arthur Haylock
Attica News, March 7, 1940 0057.pdf; Independent Leader, July 12, 1945;
Medina Tribune, March 6, 1941; The Wave, February 15, 1940 0496.pdf
263 Redwood; Cigarettes; Ski; Herman Lichterfield
Attica News, March 14, 1940 0065.pdf; Medina Tribune, June 6, 1940; The Wave, February 22, 1940 0504.pdf
264 (also 398, 549) Live; Camel; Contrapshun; Albert E. Smith; Raven
Attica News, March 21, 1940 0073.pdf; Independent Leader, July 19, 1945; Medina Tribune, June 20, 1940; The Wave, March 7, 1940 0520.pdf
265 (also 399, 550) Edgar Wallace; Beer Duels; Ink; Bride
Attica News, March 28, 1940 0081.pdf; Independent Leader, July 26, 1945; The Wave, March 14, 1940 0528.pdf
266 Cats; Hong-Kong; Rubber Heels; Quacks and Charlatans
Attica News, April 4, 1940 0089.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 12, 1940; The Wave, April 4, 1940 0552.pdf
267 (also 400, 551) Edward Topsell; Whistling; Banks; Armless
Attica News, April 11, 1940 0097.pdf; Independent Leader, August 2, 1945; Medina Tribune, December 19, 1940; The Wave, March 28, 1940 0544.pdf
268 (also 401, 552) Kiss; Bow and Arrow; Shakespeare; Ghost Club; Writing
Attica News, April 18, 1940 0105.pdf; The Wave, March 21, 1940 0536.pdf
269 (also 402, 553) D Hackney; Eskimo; Signal Horn; Lungfish
Attica News, April 25, 1940 0113.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 29, 1940; The Wave, May 9, 1940 0592.pdf
At some point, I believe the same artist drew “Facts You Never Knew” and “Detective Riley”. The artist might be Irv Tirman. Also the lettering looks the same in both strips but I don’t know if Tirman did it or hired a letterer.
270 (also 403, 554?) Inks; Owls; Dyaks; Colors (by Kirby)
Attica News, May 2, 1940 0121.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 7, 1940; The Wave, May 2, 1940 0584.pdf
271 Navy Destroyers; Machine Guns; Hens; Electricity
Attica News, May 9, 1940 0129.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 28, 1940; Smithtown Star, April 24, 1940 00100_2.pdf; The Wave, April 25, 1940 0592.pdf
272 (also 404, 554?) Pidgeon [sic]; Radium; Flowers; Dicksteon, Tennessee
Attica News, May 16, 1940 0137.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 2, 1941; The Wave, April 11, 1940 0560.pdf
273 (also 405) Blow Darts; Lawyer; Rifle Bullet; Prince
Attica News, May 23, 1940 0145.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 20, 1941; The Wave, July 4, 1940 0656.pdf
274 (also 406) Twins; Polo; Central Brazil; Joseph Mayott
Medina Tribune, February 20, 1941; The Wave, June 6, 1940 0632.pdf
I believe Irv Tirman (aka Richard Lee aka Bob Dart) was the new artist. He is profiled here. Below are number 275 of “Facts You Never Knew”, “Nappy” and “Detective Riley”. Kirby reprints begin with number 387.
275 (also 407) Coffee: Champagne; Medicines; Bats
Attica News, May 30, 1940 0153.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 18, 1940; Smithtown Star, May 22, 1940 00125_2.pdf; The Wave, July 11, 1940 0668.pdf
Irv Tirman drew the strip “Nappy”. I believe he was the artist on “Facts You Never Knew” and “Detective Riley”.
276 (also 408) Nostradamus; Evangeline Day
Attica News, June 6, 1940 0161.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 25, 1940; The Wave, June 6, 1940 0624.pdf
277 Incadescent Lamp; Love in Exile; Cherry Cocktail; Vegetables
Medina Tribune, May 2, 1940; Smithtown Star, June 5, 1940 00136_1.pdf; The Wave, October 10, 1940 0773.pdf
278 Coffee; Pink Icing; Igloo; Jade
Attica News, June 13, 1940 0169.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 9, 1940; The Wave, July 18, 1940 0676.pdf
279 (also 409) Ibis; Automobile; Canning; Saliva
Attica News, June 20, 1940 0177.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 16, 1940; The Wave, October 17, 1940 0781.pdf
280 (also 410) Dr. Wm. K. Gregory; Frankenstein; Machetes; Swordfish
Attica News, June 27, 1940 0185.pdf; Medina Tribune, May 30, 1940; The Wave, October 24, 1940 0789.pdf
281 Cowboy Songs; Turtle; Skunks; Paper Plates
Medina Tribune, June 13, 1940; Smithtown Star, July 3, 1940 00159_1.pdf; The Wave, January 9, 1941 0015.pdf
282 Bird of Paradise; Frankfurter; Iriquois Indians; Rabbit
Attica News, July 4, 1940 0193.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 4, 1940; The Wave, January 2, 1941 0007.pdf
283 (also 411) Tigers and Monkeys; Streams and Ponds; Jute; Baracuda
Attica News, July 11, 1940 0201.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 12, 1940; The Wave, December 26, 1940 0867.pdf
284 (also 412) Ashanti Kings; Fish; Fox; Milne Edwards
Attica News, July 18, 1940 0208.pdf; The Wave, December 19, 1940 0854.pdf
285 (also 413) Bats; Eggs; Cards; Deer
Attica News, July 25, 1940 0217.pdf; Smithtown Star, August 7, 1940 00184_1.pdf
286 (also 414) Marsh Owl; Ironing; Butterfish; Welder
Attica News, August 1, 1940 0225.pdf
287 not found
288 (also 415) Germs; Pygmy Hippopotamus; Canals; Great Salt Lake
Attica News, August 15, 1940 0241.pdf
289 Meat-Eating Plants; New York World’s Fair; Earthworm
Attica News, August 22, 1940 0249.pdf
290 Wood; South Africa; Wall of Death; Zinc Oxide
Attica News, August 29, 1940 0257.pdf
291 not found
292 Wa-Kindigas; Lie Detector; Moth; Penguins
Attica News, September 5, 1940 265.pdf
293 Rubber; Channel Islands; Swordfish; Tibetan Lama
Attica News, September 12, 1940 0273.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 26, 1940
294 (also 416) Liguus Snail; Heron; Geysers; Silkworm
Attica News, September 19, 1940 0281.pdf
295 (also 417) Car; Camphor; Emanuel Swedenborg; Cicada
Attica News, September 26, 1940 0289.pdf
296 Silkworms; Fish; Eyes; Ostrich
Attica News, October 3, 1940 0297.pdf
297 Auk; Lincoln Stevenson; Asbestos; Women’s Understudy Club
Attica News, October 10, 1940 0305.pdf
298 Otter; Lemonade; George Hale; Palmyra Palm
Attica News, October 24, 1940 0321.pdf
299 Water Spider; Bob Lee; Two-Headed Fish; Orson [Welles]
Attica News, November 7, 1940 0339.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 26, 1940
300 Venus; Vacuum; Meteor; Sloth
Attica News, November 14, 1940 0347.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 10, 1941
301 (also 418) Broadbill Swordfish; Sun; Shells; Naturalist
Medina Tribune, August 28, 1941
302 (also 419) Moslem University; Squirrel; Bicycle; Utilities
Attica News, November 21, 1940 0355.pdf; Medina Tribune, August 28, 1941
303 (also 420) Jelly; Pigeons; Shells; Bats
Attica News, November 28, 1940 0363.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 4, 1941
304 (also 421) Peat-Bogs; Heat and Cold Waves; Light Bulb; Beaver
Attica News, December 5, 1940 0371.pdf; Medina Tribune, September 4, 1941
305 (also 422) MIT; 70 Years; Carpet; Great Auk
Attica News, December 12, 1940 0379.pdf; Medina Tribune, December 26, 1940
306 (also 423) Soccer; Sugar; Ben Franklin; Water
Medina Tribune, December 26, 1940
307 (also 424) Iceland; Barking Dog; Identical Melodies; Coal
Attica News, December 26, 1940 0395.pdf; Medina Tribune, August 7, 1941
308 (also 425) Bed; Snail; Spy; Asparagus
Medina Tribune, July 17, 1941
309 Frankincense; Ink; Parrot; Mrs. Beulah Louise Henry
Attica News, January 2, 1941 0411.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 24, 1941
310 (also 426) Eskimo; Snakes; Liquor; Finger Nail
Attica News, January 9, 1941 0419.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 24, 1941
311 (also 427) Blonde Fanny; Rent-Paying; Kitchen Science; Montenegro
Attica News, January 16, 1941 0427.pdf; Medina Tribune, January 2, 1941; The Wave, January 16, 1941, 0023.pdf
312 (also 428) Skeleton; Norman Weiser; Pigeon; Reindeer Milk
Attica News, January 23, 1941 0435.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 13, 1941; The Wave, January 23, 1941 0031.pdf
313 (also 429) Corn; Arithmetic; Drugs; Gears
Attica News, January 30, 1941 0443.pdf; Medina Tribune, February 13, 1941; Smithtown Star, January 1, 1941 00005_2.pdf; The Wave, January 30, 1941 0039.pdf
314 (also 430) Strange Statues; Chinese Typesetter; Crocodile; Venom
Attica News, February 6, 1941 0451.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 20, 1941; The Wave, January 16, 1941, 0023.pdf
315 (also 431) Arctic; Electric Lamps; Crab-Apple Trees; Pelicans
Attica News, February 13, 1941 0459.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 20, 1941
316 (also 432) Deer; Plants; Strangest Foods; Seals
Attica News, February 20, 1941 0467.pdf; Medina Tribune, March 27, 1941
317 (also 433) Sleeping Beauty; Divorce; Beards; Dogs
Attica News, February 27, 1941 0475.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 3, 1941; The Wave, April 3, 1941 0104.pdf
318 (also 434) Dog Food; Billiards; Polar Bear; Mozart
Attica News, March 13, 1941 0491.pdf; Medina Tribune, April 3, 1941
319 (also 435) Terrier; London; Flower Names; Duck Hawks
Attica News, March 20, 1941 0499.pdf; Medina Tribune, August 7, 1941; The Wave, May 29, 1941 0172.pdf
320 (also 436) Sir George; Wedding; Marriage; Lily of France
Attica News, March 27, 1941 0507.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 31, 1941; The Wave, May 22, 1941 0164.pdf
321 (also 437) Greenland; Gerard Erismann; Arthur Bauer; Christian Heinecker
Attica News, April 3, 1941 0515.pdf
322 (also 438) Wright and Rongg; Bookmaker; Octopus; Goethe
Attica News, April 10, 1941 0523.pdf; Medina Tribune, July 31, 1941
323 (also 439) Will Rogers; Great Arturo; Bugler; Taxi
Attica News, April 17, 1941 0531.pdf
324 (also 440) Rai Bahadur; Machine Guns; Women Haters; Cats
Attica News, April 24, 1941 0539.pdf
325 (also 441) Ostrich Egg; Oyster Feast; Bird; Oven
Attica News, May 1, 1941 0547.pdf)
326 (also 442) Rain; Mijat Vedra; Torpedo; Whistle
Attica News, May 8, 1941 0557.pdf
327 (also 443) Annie Thomson; Oyster; Darwin; Rubber Heels
The Wave, June 5, 1941 0180.pdf
328 (also 444) Ballistics; War Slang; Vitamins; Strip Tease
Attica News, May 22, 1941 0568.pdf; The Wave, April 10, 1941 0112.pdf
329 (also 445) Leprechsun; Grapefruit; Ben W. Bencone; Waldorf-Astoria
Attica News, May 29, 1941 0576.pdf
330 (also 446) Louis Claus; Gypsy Law; Tommies; Opposite Sex
Attica News, June 5, 1941 0584.pdf
331 (also 447) California Condor; Oyster; Shellac; Ice Cream Cone
Attica News, June 12, 1941 0592.pdf
332 (also 448) Coal; Hands; Projectiles; Hamlet
Attica News, June 19, 1941 0600.pdf
333 (also 449) Gondoliers; Geese; Czechoslovakia; Topaz
Attica News, June 26, 1941 0608.pdf
334 (also 450) Kitchen Science; Here’s How; Broken Hearts; Laws
Attica News, July 3, 1941 0616.pdf
335 not found
336 not found
337 not found
338 not found
339 not found
340 Snake; Whistling; Flamingo; Marriage
Fords Beacon, August 1, 1941
341 (also 453) Banian Fig Tree; Sarajeva; Parsees of India; Tarantula
Attica News, August 21, 1941 0672.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 8, 1941
342 (also 454) Driver Ants
Attica News, August 28, 1941 0680.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 15, 1941
343 (also 455) How Long; Married Men; Elephant Tooth; Marriage
Attica News, September 11, 1941 0696.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 22, 1941
344 (also 456) Stojan Dimitrijevie; Moa; Marriage; Mongoose
Attica News, September 18, 1941 0704.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 29, 1941
345 (also 457) Lord Chesterfield; Curlews; Divorce; Marriage
Attica News, September 25, 1941 0712.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 5, 1941
346 (also 458) Bigamy; Tea; Mativa Krpan; Singapore
Attica News, October 23, 1941 0744.pdf; Ford Beacon, September 12, 1941
347 (also 459) Cows and Locust; Street Scribes; Penny-in-the-Slot; Cat Eyes
Attica News, October 30, 1941 0752.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 19, 19141
348 (also 460) Toe Monument; Movie; Mari Antoinette; Water Lilies
Attica News, November 6, 1941 0760.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 26, 1941
349 (also 461) Prodigies; Oyster; Bogey Man; Equador
Attica News, November 13, 1941 0768.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 3, 1941
350 (also 462) Simon Rudi; King Richard II; Fireflies; Salt
Attica News, November 20, 1941 0776.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 10, 1941
351 (also 463) Stone Coins; Egyptian; Fingerprints; Marriage
Attica News, December 25, 1941 0815.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 17, 1941
352 (also 464) Fingerprints; Cafes; Pneumonia; Etiquette
Attica News, January 1, 1942 0824.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 24, 1941
353 (also 465) Plague; Rats; Napoleon; Papua
Attica News, January 8, 1942 0834.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 31, 1941
354 (also 466) Tall Men; Mummy; Lightning; Wedding Custom
Attica News, January 15, 1942 0842.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 7, 1941; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, December 5, 1941
355 (also 467) Vitamin C; Japanese Movies; Zoroaster; Typewriters
Attica News, January 22, 1942 0850.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 14, 1941; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, September 26, 1941; The Lowville Leader, December 2, 1943
356 Birds; Mosssel Bay, South Africa; Bismarck; Mussolini
Attica News, January 29, 1942 0858.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 21, 1941
357 (also 468) Strength; Pipe Collection; Lightning; Fingerprints
Attica News, February 26, 1942 0890.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 28, 1941
358 (also 469) Etiquette; Salt; Warsaw; Odd Names
Attica News, February 19, 1942 0882.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 5, 1941
359 (also 470) Caligula; Eggs; Wheat; Cars
Attica News, February 12, 1942 0874.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 12, 1941
360 (also 471) Giraffes; Dentists; Skim Milk; Chang
Attica News, February 25 1942 0866.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 19, 1941
361 (also 472) Child Marriages; Thalers; Journalist; Aircraft Industry
Attica News, March 5, 1942 0898.pdf; Fords Beacon, December 24, 1941; Independent-Leader, December 24, 1941
362 (also 473) Louisiana State Capitol; Owl; Gypsies; Silkworm
Attica News, March 5, 1942 0898.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 2, 1942; Independent-Leader, January 2, 1942
363 (also 474) Minerals; Marriage; King Zog; Barbers
Attica News, March 12, 1942 0906.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 9, 1942
364 (also 475) Christmas Pie; Liars Club; Yule Log; Herrings
Attica News, March 12, 1942 0906.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 16, 1942; Independent-Leader, January 16, 1942
365 (also 476) Magicologist; Black Rose; James E. Krilow; Lutfisk
Attica News, March 12, 1942 0906.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 23, 1942; Independent-Leader, January 23, 1942
366 (also 477) Dogs; Acre; Calico; Laws
Attica News, March 19, 1942 0914.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 30, 1942; Independent-Leader, January 30, 1942
367 (also 478) Clover; Chinese; Florida; Marriage
Attica News, March 19, 1942 0914.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 6, 1942; Independent-Leader, February 6, 1942
368 (also 479) Tombstone; Hemp; Turbans; Dogs
Attica News, March 26, 1942 0922.pdf; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 20, 1942; Independent-Leader, February 13, 1942
369 (also 480) Quail; Sub-Titles; Filament; Baking Pan
Attica News, April 2, 1942 0930.pdf; Independent-Leader, February 20, 1942
370 (also 481) Lightning; Seaweed; Champagne; Bathing
Attica News, April 9, 1942 0938.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 27, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 6, 1942; Independent-Leader, February 27, 1942
371 (also 482) Caviar; Steam Boiler; Rodin; Egg Cup
Attica News, April 16, 1942 0946.pdf
372 (also 486) Oysters; King Edward VII; Earthquakes; Angora Rabbits
Attica News, April 23, 1942 0954.pdf
373 (also 483) Wedding Cake; Persia; Arctic; Potato Leaves
Attica News, April 30, 1942 0962.pdf; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 13, 1942
374 (also 485) Gestures; Butterfly; Shakespeare; Marriage
Attica News, May 7, 1942 0970.pdf; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 27, 1942; Independent-Leader, March 20, 1942
375 (also 484) Lord Snowden; Population; Fox; Railways
Attica News, May 14, 1942 0978.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 27, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 20, 1942; Independent-Leader, March 27, 1942
376 (also 487) Oyster; Lightning; Artificial Eye; Blood, Rice and Milk
Attica News, May 21, 1942 0986.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 3, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 13, 1942; Independent-Leader, April 3, 1942
377 (also 488) Paint; Corduroy; Xerxes; Egg-Stamper
Attica News, June 25, 1942 1026.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 13, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 6, 1942; Independent-Leader, March 13, 1942
378 (also 489) Sugar; Prodigies; Manners; Antopia No. 1
Attica News, July 2, 1942 1034.pdf; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, April 3, 1942; Independent-Leader, April 10, 1942
379 (also 490) Trees; Double; Owl; Antopia No. 2
Attica News, July 16, 1942 1050.pdf; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, April 10, 1942; Independent-Leader, April 17, 1942
380 (also 491) Currency; Tel Aviv; Coin; Antopia No. 3
Attica News, July 16, 1942 1050.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 24, 1942; Independent-Leader, April 24, 1942
381 (also 492) Chinese Inventions; Bomb; Dog; Antopia No. 4
Attica News, July 23, 1942 1058.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 1, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, April 24, 1942; Independent-Leader, May 1, 1942
382 (also 493) Flowers; League of Nations; Pipe; Antopia No. 5
Attica News, July 30, 1942 1066.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 8, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, May 8, 1942; Independent-Leader, May 8, 1942
383 (also 494) German Soap; Australia; Tanganyika; Antopia No. 6
Attica News, August 6, 1942 1074.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 15, 1942; Independent-Leader, May 15, 1942
384 (also 495) Earthquakes; Oysters; Niagra [sic] Falls; Antopia No. 7
Attica News, August 13, 1942 1082.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 22, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, August 21, 1942; Independent-Leader, May 22, 1942
385 (also 496) Rose; Oyster; Copper; Antopia No. 8
Attica News, August 20, 1942 1090.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 28, 1942; Independent-Leader, May 28, 1942
386 (also 499) Grass Soup; Clergyman; Famine; Antopia No. 11
Attica News, August 27, 1942 1098.pdf
Kirby reprints from number 387 to 401, 403 to 406.
387 (also 251) Emperor Claudius; Beau Brummell; Cardinal Richelieu; Papuans
Attica News, September 3, 1942 1106.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 5, 1942; Independent-Leader, June 5, 1942
388 (also 252) Andaman Islander; Knight Errantry; Captive Bride; Cecil Rhodes
Attica News, September 10, 1942 1114.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 12, 1942; Independent-Leader, June 12, 1942
389 (also 253) Lammergeier; Apicius; Portugal; Frank Gilbert
Attica News, September 17, 1942 1122.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 19, 1942; Independent-Leader, June 19, 1942
390 (also 254) Ant; Robert Fulton; Bartenders; Nameoddties
Attica News, September 24, 1942 1138.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 26, 1942; Independent-Leader, June 26, 1942
391 (also 268) Kiss; Bow and Arrow; Shakespeare; Ghost Club; Writing
Attica News, October 1, 1942 1146.pdf; Independent Leader, July 10, 1942
392 (also 269, 541) Stockings; Eskimos; Adams Apple; Pipe and Tobacco
Attica News, October 8, 1942 1154.pdf; Independent Leader, July 17, 1942
393 (also 257, 544) Gallows; Frogs; Ad; Slot Machines
Attica News, October 15, 1942 1162.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 31, 1942; Independent-Leader, July 31, 1942
394 (also 259, 545) Josie Terena; Marie Anne Lenormand; Weigh; Doorknobs; Lenin
Attica News, October 22, 1942 1170.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 24, 1942; Independent-Leader, July 24, 1942
395 (also 260, 546) Plant Patent; Mountains; Iceland; 70 Years
Attica News, November 12, 1942 1190.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 2, 1942; Independent-Leader, July 2, 1942
396 (also 261, 547) Twins; Glass Mirrors; Cat; English Judges
Attica News, November 19, 1942 1198.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 7, 1942; Independent-Leader, August 7, 1942
397 (also 262, 548) Bessie Miller; Necktie; Calcutta, India; Arthur Haylock
Attica News, November 26, 1942 1206.pdf; Independent-Leader, August 14, 1942
398 (also 264, 549) Live; Camel; Contrapshun; Albert E. Smith; Raven
Attica News, December 3, 1942 1214.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 21, 1942; Independent-Leader, August 21, 1942
399 (also 265, 550) Edgar Wallace; Beer Duels; Ink; Bride
Attica News, December 10, 1942 1222.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 28, 1942; Independent-Leader, August 28, 1942
400 (also 267, 551) Edward Topsell; Whistling; Banks; Armless
Attica News, December 17, 1942 1230.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 4, 1942; Independent-Leader, September 4, 1942
401 (also 552) Artificial Teeth; Earth; Harry Williams; Datura Flower
Fords Beacon, September 11, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, October 16, 1942; Independent-Leader, September 11, 1942
402 (also 269, 553?) D Hackney; Eskimo; Signal Horn; Lungfish
Fords Beacon, September 18, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, October 16, 1942; Independent-Leader, September 18, 1942
403 (also 270, 554) Inks; Owls; Dyaks; Colors
Attica News, January 14, 1943 0012.pdf; Fords Beacon, September 25, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, September 25, 1942; Independent-Leader, September 25, 1942
404 (also 272) Pidgeon [sic]; Radium; Flowers; Dicksteon, Tennessee
Attica News, January 21, 1943 0020.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 2, 1942; Independent-Leader, October 2, 1942
405 (also 273) Blow Darts; Lawyer; Rifle Bullet; Prince
Attica News, January 28, 1943 0028.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 9, 1942; Independent-Leader, October 9, 1942
406 (also 274) Twins; Polo; Central Brazil; Joseph Mayott
Attica News, February 4, 1943 0033.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 16, 1942; Independent-Leader, October 16, 1942
407 (also 275) Coffee: Champagne; Medicines; Bats
Attica News, February 11, 1943 0043.pdf; Fords Beacon, October 23, 1942; Independent-Leader, October 23, 1942
408 (also 276) Nostradamus; Evangeline Day
Attica News, February 18, 1943 0051.pdf; The Black River Democrat, November 12, 1942; Fords Beacon, October 30, 1942; Independent-Leader, October 30, 1942
409 (also 279) Ibis; Automobile; Canning; Saliva
Attica News, February 25, 1943 0063.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 6, 1942; Independent-Leader, November 6, 1942
410 (also 280) Dr. Wm. K. Gregory; Frankenstein; Machetes; Swordfish
Attica News, March 4, 1943 0073.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 13, 1942; Independent-Leader, November 13, 1942
411 (also 283) Tigers and Monkeys; Streams and Ponds; Jute; Baracuda
Attica News, March 11, 1943 0081.pdf; The Black River Democrat, December 10, 1942; Fords Beacon, November 20, 1942; Independent-Leader, November 20, 1942
412 (also 284) Ashanti Kings; Fish; Fox; Milne Edwards
Attica News, March 18, 1943 0089.pdf; Fords Beacon, November 27, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, January 22, 1943; Independent-Leader, November 27, 1942
413 (also 285) Bats; Eggs; Cards; Deer
The Black River Democrat, December 17, 1942; Fords Beacon, December 4, 1942; Independent-Leader, December 4, 1942
414 (also 286) Marsh Owl; Ironing; Butterfish; Welder
Fords Beacon, December 11, 1942; Independent-Leader, December 11, 1942
415 (also 288) Germs; Pygmy Hippopotamus; Canals; Great Salt Lake
Fords Beacon, December 18, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 26, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 18, 1942
416 (also 294) Liguus Snail; Heron; Geysers; Silkworm
La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 19, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 24, 1942
417 (also 295) Car; Camphor; Emanuel Swedenborg; Cicada
Fords Beacon, December 31, 1942; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 26, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 31, 1942
418 (also 301) Broadbill Swordfish; Sun; Shells; Naturalist
Attica News, March 25, 1943 0097.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 8, 1943; Independent-Leader, January 8, 1943
419 (also 302) Moslem University; Squirrel; Bicycle; Utilities
Attica News, April 1, 1943 0105.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 15, 1943; Independent-Leader, January 15, 1943
420 (also 303) Jelly; Pigeons; Shells; Bats
Attica News, June 3, 1942 0176.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 22, 1943; Independent-Leader, January 22, 1943
421 (also 304) Peat-Bogs; Heat and Cold Waves; Light Bulb; Beaver
Attica News, June 10, 1942 0184.pdf; Fords Beacon, January 29, 1943; Independent-Leader, January 29, 1943
422 (also 305) MIT; 70 Years; Carpet; Great Auk
Attica News, June 17, 1942 0192.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 5, 1943; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 12, 1943; Independent-Leader, February 5, 1943
423 (also 306) Soccer; Sugar; Ben Franklin; Water
Attica News, June 24, 1942 0202.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 12, 1943; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, February 5, 1943; Independent-Leader, February 12, 1943
424 (also 307) Iceland; Barking Dog; Identical Melodies; Coal
Attica News, July 1, 1942 0210.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 19, 1943; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, April 9, 1943; Independent-Leader, February 19, 1943
425 (also 308) Bed; Snail; Spy; Asparagus
Attica News, July 8, 1942 0218.pdf; Fords Beacon, February 26, 1943; Independent-Leader, February 26, 1943
426 (also 310) Eskimo; Snakes; Liquor; Finger Nail
Attica News, July 15, 1942 0226.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 5, 1943; Independent-Leader, March 5, 1943
427 (also 311) Blonde Fanny; Rent-Paying; Kitchen Science; Montenegro
Attica News, July 22, 1942 0234.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 12, 1943; Independent-Leader, March 12, 1943
428 (also 312) Skeleton; Norman Weiser; Pigeon; Reindeer Milk
Attica News, July 29, 1942 0242.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 19, 1943; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 12, 1943; Independent-Leader, March 19, 1943
429 (also 313) Corn; Arithmetic; Drugs; Gear
Attica News, August 5, 1942 0250.pdf; Fords Beacon, March 26, 1943; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, March 5, 1943; Independent-Leader, March 26, 1943
430 (also 314) Strange Statues; Chinese Typesetter; Crocodile; Venom
Attica News, August 12, 1942 0258.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 2, 1943; Independent-Leader, April 2, 1943
431 (also 315) Arctic; Electric Lamps; Crab-Apple Trees; Pelicans
Attica News, August 19, 1942 0266.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 9, 1943; Independent-Leader, April 9, 1943
432 (also 316) Deer; Plants; Strangest Foods; Seals
Attica News, August 26, 1942 0274.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 16, 1943; Independent-Leader, April 16, 1943
433 (also 317) Sleeping Beauty; Divorce; Beards; Dogs
Attica News, September 2, 1942 0286.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 23, 1943; Independent-Leader, April 23, 1943
434 (also 318) Dog Food; Billiards; Polar Bear; Mozart
Attica News, September 9, 1942 0294.pdf; Fords Beacon, April 30, 1943; Independent-Leader, April 30, 1943
435 (also 319) Terrier; London; Flower Names; Duck Hawks
Attica News, September 16, 1942 0302.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 7, 1943; Independent-Leader, May 7, 1943
436 (also 320) Sir George Broadbridge; Wedding; Marriage; Lily of France
Attica News, September 23, 1942 0310.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 14, 1943; Independent-Leader, May 14, 1943
437 (also 321) Greenland; Gerard Erismann; Arthur Bauer; Christian Heinecker
Attica News, September 30, 1942 0318.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 21, 1943; Independent-Leader, May 21, 1943
438 (also 322) Wright and Rongg; Bookmaker; Octopus; Goethe
Attica News, October 7, 1942 0326.pdf; Fords Beacon, May 28, 1943; Independent-Leader, May 28, 1943
439 (also 323) Will Rogers; Great Arturo; Bugler; Taxi
Attica News, October 14, 1942 0334.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 4, 1943; Independent-Leader, June 4, 1943
440 (also 324) Rai Bahadur; Machine Guns; Women Haters; Cats
Attica News, October 21, 1942 0342.pdf; Fords Beacon, June 11, 1943; La Gazzetta di Syracuse, June 18, 1943; Independent-Leader, June 11, 1943
441 (also 325) Ostrich Egg; Oyster Feast; Bird; Oven
Fords Beacon, June 18, 1943; Independent-Leader, June 18, 1943
442 (also 326) Rain; Mijat Vedra; Torpedo; Whistle
Fords Beacon, June 25, 1943; Independent-Leader, June 25, 1943
443 (also 327) Annie Thomson; Oyster; Darwin; Rubber Heels
Attica News, November 18, 1942 0374.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 2, 1943; Independent-Leader, July 2, 1943
444 (also 328) Ballistics; War Slang; Vitamins; Strip Tease
Attica News, November 25, 1942 0382.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 9, 1943; Independent-Leader, July 9, 1943
445 (also 329) Leprechsun; Grapefruit; Ben W. Bencone; Waldorf-Astoria
Attica News, December 2, 1942 0390.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 16, 1943; Independent-Leader, July 16, 1943
446 (also 330) Louis Claus; Gypsy Law; Tommies; Opposite Sex
Attica News, December 9, 1942 0398.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 23, 1943; Independent-Leader, July 23, 1943
447 (also 331) California Condor; Oyster; Shellac; Ice Cream Cone
Attica News, December 16, 1942 0406.pdf; Fords Beacon, July 30, 1943; Independent-Leader, July 30, 1943
448 (also 332) Coal; Hands; Projectiles; Hamlet
Attica News, December 23, 1942 0414.pdf; Fords Beacon, August 6, 1943; Independent-Leader, August 6, 1943
449 (also 333) Gondoliers; Geese; Czechoslovakia; Topaz
Fords Beacon, August 13, 1943; Independent-Leader, August 13, 1943
450 (also 334) Kitchen Science; Here’s How; Broken Hearts; Laws
Fords Beacon, August 20, 1943; Independent-Leader, August 20, 1943
451 (also 33?) Laws; Hair and Finger Nail Growth; Clubs; Marriage
Fords Beacon, August 27, 1943; Independent-Leader, August 27, 1943
452 (also 33?) Great Wall of China; Fishermen; Blood; Laws
Fords Beacon, September 3, 1943; Independent-Leader, September 3, 1943
453 (also 341) Banian Fig Tree; Sarajeva; Parsees of India; Tarantula
Fords Beacon, September 10, 1943
454 (also 342) Driver Ants
Fords Beacon, September 17, 1943; Independent-Leader, September 17, 1943
455 (also 343) How Long; Married Men; Elephant Tooth; Marriage
Independent-Leader, September 24, 1943
456 (also 344) Stojan Dimitrijevie; Moa; Marriage; Mongoose
Fords Beacon, October 1, 1943; Independent-Leader, October 1, 1943
457 (also 345) Lord Chesterfield; Curlews; Divorce; Marriage
Fords Beacon, October 8, 1943; Independent-Leader, October 8, 1943
458 (also 346) Bigamy; Tea; Mativa Krpan; Singapore
Fords Beacon, October 15, 1943; Independent-Leader, October 15, 1943
459 (also 347) Cows and Locust; Street Scribes; Penny-in-the-Slot; Cat Eyes
Fords Beacon, October 22, 1943; Independent-Leader, October 22, 1943
460 (also 348) Toe Monument; Movie; Mari Antoinette; Water Lilies
Fords Beacon, October 29, 1943; Independent-Leader, October 29, 1943
461 (also 349) Prodigies; Oyster; Bogey Man; Equador
Fords Beacon, November 5, 1943; Independent-Leader, November 5, 1943
462 (also 350) Simon Rudi; King Richard II; Fireflies; Salt
Fords Beacon, November 12, 1943; Independent-Leader, November 12, 1943
463 (also 351) Stone Coins; Egyptian; Fingerprints; Marriage
Fords Beacon, November 19, 1943; Independent-Leader, November 19, 1943
464 (also 352) Fingerprints; Cafes; Pneumonia; Etiquette
Fords Beacon, November 26, 1943; Independent-Leader, November 26, 1943
465 (also 353) Plague; Rats; Napoleon; Papua
Fords Beacon, December 3, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 3, 1943
466 (also 354) Tall Men; Mummy; Lightning; Wedding Custom
Fords Beacon, December 10, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 10, 1943
467 (also 355) Vitamin C; Japanese Movies; Zoroaster; Typewriters
Fords Beacon, December 17, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 17, 1943
468 (also 357) Strength; Pipe Collection; Lightning; Fingerprints
Fords Beacon, December 23, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 23, 1943
469 (also 358) Etiquette; Salt; Warsaw; Odd Names
Fords Beacon, December 30, 1943; Independent-Leader, December 30, 1943; The Lowville Leader, December 30, 1943
470 (also 359) Caligula; Eggs; Wheat; Cars
Independent-Leader, January 7, 1944
471 (also 360) Giraffes; Dentists; Skim Milk; Chang
Independent-Leader, January 14, 1944
472 (also 361) Child Marriages; Thalers; Journalist; Aircraft Industry
Independent-Leader, January 21, 1944
473 (also 362) Louisiana State Capitol; Owl; Gypsies; Silkworm
Independent-Leader, January 28, 1944
474 (also 363) Minerals; Marriage; King Zog; Barbers
Independent-Leader, February 4, 1944
475 (also 364) Christmas Pie; Liars Club; Yule Log; Herrings
Independent-Leader, February 11, 1944
476 (also 365) Magicologist; Black Rose; James E. Krilow; Lutfisk
Independent-Leader, February 18, 1944
477 (also 366) Dogs; Acre; Calico; Laws
Independent-Leader, February 25, 1944
478 (also 367) Clover; Chinese; Florida; Marriage
Independent-Leader, March 3, 1944
479 (also 368) Tombstone; Hemp; Turbans; Dogs
Independent-Leader, March 10, 1944
480 (also 369) Quail; Sub-Titles; Filament; Baking Pan
Independent-Leader, March 17, 1944
481 (also 370) Lightning; Seaweed; Champagne; Bathing
Independent-Leader, March 24, 1944
482 (also 371) Caviar; Steam Boiler; Rodin; Egg Cup
Independent-Leader, March 31, 1944; Smithtown Star, May 10, 1944 00073_2.pdf
483 (also 373) Wedding Cake; Persia; Arctic; Potato Leaves
Independent-Leader, April 14, 1944
484 (also 375) Lord Snowden; Population; Fox; Railways
Independent-Leader, April 7, 1944
485 (also 374) Gestures; Butterfly; Shakespeare; Marriage
Independent-Leader, April 21, 1944
486 (also 372) Oysters; King Edward VII; Earthquakes; Angora Rabbits
Independent-Leader, April 28, 1944
487 (also 376) Oyster; Lightning; Artificial Eye; Blood, Rice and Milk
Independent-Leader, May 5, 1944
488 (also 377) Paint; Corduroy; Xerxes; Egg-Stamper
Independent-Leader, May 12, 1944
489 (also 378) Sugar; Prodigies; Manners; Antopia No. 1
Independent-Leader, May 19, 1944
490 (also 379) Trees; Double; Owl; Antopia No. 2
Independent-Leader, May 26, 1944
491 (also 380) Currency; Tel Aviv; Coin; Antopia No. 3
Independent-Leader, June 2, 1944
492 (also 381) Chinese Inventions; Bomb; Dog; Antopia No. 4
Independent-Leader, June 9, 1944
493 (also 382) Flowers; League of Nations; Pipe; Antopia No. 5
Independent-Leader, June 16, 1944
494 (also 383) German Soap; Australia; Tanganyika; Antopia No. 6
Independent-Leader, June 23, 1944
495 (also 384) Earthquakes; Oysters; Niagra [sic] Falls; Antopia No. 7
Independent-Leader, June 30, 1944
496 (also 385) Rose; Oyster; Copper; Antopia No. 8
Independent-Leader, July 7, 1944
497 Eyestrain; Clergyman; Coins; Antopia No. 9
Independent-Leader, July 28, 1944
498 Bones and Jawbones; Clergyman; India; Antopia No. 10
Independent-Leader, August 4, 1944
499 (also 386) Grass Soup; Clergyman; Famine; Antopia No. 11
Independent-Leader, July 14, 1944
500 Coinage; Clergyman; Pickled Flowers; Antopia No. 12
Independent-Leader, July 21, 1944
Kirby reprints from number 501 to 552, 554?, 555? and 556?.
501 (also 208) Peacock Feathers; Eskimos; Butter; Minks
Independent-Leader, August 11, 1944
502 (also 209) Muskrats (by Elmo); Gizzard; Aztecs; Palettes (by Elmo); Charles I (by Elmo)
Independent-Leader, August 25, 1944
503 (also 210) Tibet; Honduras; Ben Franklin (by Elmo); Topotes Ejaculator (by Elmo); Palm Leaves
Independent-Leader, September 1, 1944
504 not found
505 (also 212) Wallpaper; Dogs and Cats; Herr Karl Lutz; Matiya Krpan
Independent-Leader, September 8, 1944
506 (also 213) 69 Children; Oysters; Bullet
Independent-Leader, September 15, 1944
507 (also 214) Owls; Judge; Motion Pictures; Yellow Roses
Independent-Leader, September 21, 1944
508 (also 215) Doctor Dinckel; Jan Mayen; Ghost
Independent-Leader, September 28, 1944
509 (also 216) Duel; Moon; Ghenghis Khan
Independent Leader, October 26, 1944
510 (also 217) Aeroplane; Charles Atlas; Cigarette; Nomansland
Independent-Leader, October 5, 1944
511 (also 218) Driver Ants; Movie; Kallia; Novellus Tiberius
Independent Leader, October 12, 1944
512 (also 222) Horseman from Hell; Pipe; Owl; Cop L
Independent Leader, October 19, 1944
513 (also 220) Kiswa; Glass Mirrors; Oyster; Golden Eagle
Independent Leader, November 2, 1944
514 (also 223) Jivaro Warrior; England; Queer Jobs; Newspaper
Independent Leader, November 9, 1944
515 (also 224) Teeth; Brocken Spectres; Sea Lions; Mail
Independent Leader, November 16, 1944
516 (also 225) St. Bernard Dog; Zika Terzic; Bible; Chiang Kai-Shek
Independent Leader, November 22, 1944
517 (also 226) Martin Benson; Jacques Cartier; Stowaways; Ostriches
Independent Leader, November 30, 1944
518 (also 227) Mars; Zulu Chieftain; Zapotic Indian; Married Before 16
Independent Leader, December 7, 1944
519 (also 228) Dr. Kukuji; Julius Caesar; Liberia; Shoes
Independent Leader, December 14, 1944
520 (also 229) Festival of Stomachs; Honolulu Directory; Kallial Genek Podany
Independent Leader, December 21, 1944;
The Lowville Leader, January 4, 1945
521 (also 231) Louisiana; Alexander Selkirk; Russia; Switzerland
Independent Leader, December 28, 1944
522 (also 232) Dogs; Knights; Kiss; Joine Arbus
Independent Leader, January 4, 1945; Fords Beacon, January 4, 1945
523 (also 234) Mecca; Antoine Pataki; Arctic Husky
Fords Beacon, January 11, 1945; Independent Leader, January 11, 1945
524 (also 235) Tarantula Spiders; Chase National Bank; Gablonz, Slovakia; Ghost Bus
Fords Beacon, January 18, 1945; Independent Leader, January 18, 1945
525 (also 236) Cameras; Seaweed; Greyhound; China; 1956
Fords Beacon, January 25, 1945; Independent Leader, January 25, 1945
526 (also 237) Athens; ABC’s of Motoring; Herbert Brown; Mr. Absher
Fords Beacon, February 1, 1945; Independent Leader, February 1, 1945
527 (also 238) Slant Eyes; Sophia Nishtchevitch; James Crichton; Wars
Fords Beacon, February 8, 1945; Independent Leader, February 8, 1945;
528 (also 239) Chow Dogs; Black Hollywood; T. N. Koffey; Bulgaria
Fords Beacon, February 15, 1945; Independent Leader, February 15, 1945;
529 (also 240) Lottery; Shanghai; Wig; Queen Isabella
Fords Beacon, February 22, 1945; Independent Leader, February 22, 1945
530 (also 241) Smoking; Slaves; Tasmanians; Marriage
Fords Beacon, March 1, 1945; Independent Leader, March 1, 1945
531 (also 242) William Lewis; Egypt and Germany; Russia; Panama
Independent Leader, March 8, 1945
532 (also 243) Cats; Stamps; Inter Marriages; Duke and King
Independent Leader, March 15, 1945
533 (also 244) Germanic Tribes; Catherine the Great; Charlotte Jones; Odd Names
Independent Leader, March 22, 1945
534 (also 245) Flowers; Bushmen; Super Highways; Queen Elizabeth
Fords Beacon, March 29, 1945; Independent Leader, March 29, 1945
535 (also 247) Mars; Parrot; Oak of Abraham; Match Boxes
Fords Beacon, April 5, 1945; Independent Leader, April 5, 1945
536 (also 248) Madame Maupin; Red; Cold Feet; Periwig
Independent Leader, April 26, 1945
537 (also 249) Smoking; Anchor God; Monuments; Tamerlane
Independent Leader, April 19, 1945
538 (also 250) Black Hair; Horseshoe; Russian Railway; Trebon, Bohemia
Independent Leader, April 12, 1945
539 (also 219) Paul Kern; Teutonic Couple; Sparrow; Silk Stocking
Fords Beacon, May 3, 1945; Independent Leader, May 3, 1945
540 (also 221) Beggar; Jimmy Dorsey; Lightning; Photomania
Fords Beacon, May 10, 1945; Independent Leader, May 10, 1945
541 (also 233) Tooth-Ache; Otto von Bismarck; Fingerprint; 50 Million Frenchmen
Independent Leader, May 24, 1945
542 (also 255, 391) Kiss; Bow and Arrow; Shakespeare; Ghost Club; Writing
Independent Leader, May 31, 1945
543 (also 256, 392) Stockings; Eskimos; Adams Apple; Pipe and Tobacco
Independent-Leader, June 7, 1945
544 (also 257) Gallows; Frogs; Ad; Slot Machines
Independent Leader, June 14, 1945
545 (also 259, 394) Josie Terena; Marie Anne Lenormand; Weigh; Doorknobs; Lenin
Independent Leader, June 21, 1945
546 (also 260, 395) Plant Patent; Mountains; Iceland; 70 Years
Fords Beacon, June 28, 1945; Independent-Leader, June 28, 1945
547 (also 261, 396) Twins; Glass Mirrors; Cat; English Judges
Fords Beacon, July 5, 1945
548 (also 262, 397) Bessie Miller; Necktie; Calcutta, India; Arthur Haylock
Fords Beacon, July 12, 1945; Independent-Leader, July 12, 1945
549 (also 264, 398) Live; Camel; Contrapshun; Albert E. Smith; Raven
Fords Beacon, July 19, 1945, Independent-Leader, July 19, 1945
550 (also 265, 399) Edgar Wallace; Beer Duels; Ink; Bride
Fords Beacon, July 25, 1945; Independent-Leader, July 26, 1945
551 (also 267, 400) Edward Topsell; Whistling; Banks; Armless
Fords Beacon, August 2, 1945; Independent-Leader, August 2, 1945
552 (also 268, 401) Artificial Teeth; Earth; Harry Williams; Datura Flower
Fords Beacon, August 9, 1945; Independent-Leader, August 9, 1945
553 (also 269, 402) D Hackney; Eskimo; Signal Horn; Lungfish
Fords Beacon, August 16, 1945
554? (also 270, 403) Inks; Owls; Dyaks; Colors
Fords Beacon, August 23, 1945; Independent-Leader, August 23, 1945
555? (also 272, 404) Pidgeon [sic]; Radium; Flowers; Dicksteon, Tennessee
Independent-Leader, August 30, 1945
556? (also 273, 405) Blow Darts; Lawyer; Rifle Bullet; Prince
Fords Beacon, September 6, 1945
Further Reading
The Jack Kirby Museum, The Kirby Effect: Looking For The Awesome – 3. Escape To New York
The Comics Journal, Facts You Never Knew
Review of The Comic Strip Jack Kirby
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