FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1983
Around noon, Walt calls to get a progress report. I say something like, "The sketches are coming along just fine. I'll fax them on Monday."
SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1983
In the morning I'm busy making new sketches and refining them; below are a series of tracing paper sketches. I use a black Pentel pen to draw the logos. (The scanner altered the color in some areas.)
Above: In the she sketch at the bottom of the sheet, I see some possibilities in aligning the angle of the bottom of the "T" and "H", and using that angle in the "R". I try to create a stroke that mimics the stroke of a broad pen.
Above: The top logo sketch is a refinement of the sketch in the first sheet. I complete the letters' beveled edge by adding shadows.
Above: I develop further the runic-style logo, and try a shadow and beveled edge on two sketches. When I make these drawings, I do not use any reference.
I settle on two designs and do three variations of each in the afternoon.
The Mighty Thor!