Images from the 1948 Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
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Cosmopolitan Acquires StudioThe entire facilities of National Studios, New York, have been acquired by the Cosmopolitan Studios, also of New York. Herman Rosenberg, Cosmopolitan president, announced this week. Among National executives who will join Cosmopolitan are Dave Brandies, for 22 years in charge of production; I. Schnapp, head of the art department for the last 20 years; Claire Miller, color specialist, and Ken Walmsley and Fred Bram of the sales staff.
Five Firms Incorporate in New York StateMotion picture companies incorporating in New York State during the last week of the year, and receiving charters from the department of state at Albany, included the following: National Studios, Inc., capitalization not specified, Dolly V. Samose, Gertrude M. Ballinger and Leona Zilber, New York City ...
National Studios, Inc., New York, has been organized through a merger of three manufacturers of advertising display, of that city. These three companies are the Excelsior Illustrating Company, the Standard Slide Corporation and National Photographers, Inc.National Studios, Inc., has also acquired the Animated Products Corporation and the Manhattan Slide & Film Corporation.
... The Standard Slide Corporation is the outgrowth of the old Novelty Slide Company, established by Joseph F. Coufal [see sidebar], originally located at 57th Street near Sixth Avenue, removed to 20 E. 14th Street, occupying a back hall room. Afterwards it went to 71 W. 23rd Street and is now located on [209 West] 48th Street.
“New Idea” Found on a Journey to “Slide Land”Slide-Land, as we have seen, is a successful, composite unit of many departments. It is as if a great many wheels were revolving in perfect harmony, pushing efficiently onward in perfect unison. In each department specialists concentrate on their particular line of endeavor and consequently we find new ideas being constantly introduced, thus keeping this organization well to the front in lantern slide progress. When the old style illustrated song slides passed away, through conditions over which the slide industry had no control, most people predicted that song slides would never come back. Realizing, however, the value of the illustrated song to any program, Mr. Nat Cherin (who aside from being treasurer of the Standard Slide Corporation, is the executive head and managing director of the song slide department) originated and created the New Idea Illustrated Song Slide.This New Idea differs from the old style slides, first, in that the slide is either illustrated by popular movie stars or artistically hand sketched, thus striking a popular chord in the hearts of movie patrons; second, from two to three lines of the song which the scene illustrates appear on the slide, thus enabling the audience to read or sing the words which, with the old style slides, were often unintelligibly rendered! third, the use of the indestructible mica slide which permits using the chorus as often as may be desired without danger of breaking the slide; fourth, the elimination of the second verse, thus consuming less time for the rendition of the number—an important item with every theater manager.That the New Idea Song Slide is a success is evidenced by the fact that prominent music publishers in this country have availed themselves of this screen attraction, but more important is the fact that motion picture theaters have added the New Idea Illustrated Song Slide to their regular program, reporting that their patrons enjoy this attraction as much as any other feature number on the bill.In this connection, the Standard Art Department is deserving of considerable credit for the artistic effects which they produce on these song slide originals, embellishing the movie star scenes in appropriate designs and combining with them the words of the song in an artistic manner. This department is under the direction of I. Schnapp, assisted by J. K. Dommerque and not only prepares the song slide originals for the camera, but likewise the art work for feature film advance slides and Standard national advertising slides.It must be here mentioned that the mica slide used in the New Idea Song Slides is an original and exclusive product of this corporation, manufactured under the only patent ever granted by this government for a transparent slide other than glass, and as explained above, large numbers of these slides are used for song choruses. But they are also being successfully employed in propaganda announcements such as the present Red Cross drive and during the war were introduced for government needs in the Liberty Loan, Fuel and Food Drives and other campaigns. The development of the mica slide from its crude inception to its perfected stage today is a tribute to the Standard Slide Corporation heads.In the printing department where these mica slides are produced, thoroughly-trained workers devote their best efforts to making these mica slides just a little better than would even seem necessary, while in another section of the print shop, the corporation printing is produced with the usual Standard care and efficiency. This entire department is under the management of Arcadio Valenzuela, one of the heads responsible for the elevation of the mica slide industry to its present high plane.
.. That agreement was continued in force after the incorporation of National Studios, Inc., the successor of National Photographers, Standard Slide, Co., Superior Slide Co., Manhattan Slide Co., Greater New York Slide Co., Excelsior Illustrating Co., B. Knoppelman and Animated Products Co.
226 West 56th StreetNew York CityPresident Murray RosenbluhVice-President Herman A. RosenburgSecretary Jule BauchService and Sales promotion manager H. W. WarrenSpecializes inLantern slides, super orgologues, wide screen colortone effects, photographic enlargements for lobbies, black and white or colored and portraits. In 1928, National Photographers, Standard Slide Corporation and Excelsior Illustrating Co., catering to theatrical and commercial enterprises, merged into National Studios, Inc., at the same time acquiring Animated Products Corp., Novelty Slide Co., Manhattan Slide & Film Co., Commercial Slide & Film Co., all of which were long established concerns.
Thomas G. Wiley has been named vice-president, and Jule Bauch, secretary and production manager, of Superior Studios, Inc., New York. Hector Zambrano and Ira Schnapp have joined the technical staff and Sam Golden and Merlin Lewis, the sales force.
RA: What can you tell us about the DC bullpen of the 1960s? …Friedlander: I knew Sol Harrison, Jack Schiff, Ira Schnapp, and Walter Hurlicheck. … Ira was ancient, an elderly person when I knew him. He’d worked at DC for years but before that he’d worked in the movies doing the lettering on movie posters. He could tell you about all the movies that he made posters for. He was a very interesting character. …
Baum & Arnold 442 W. 42nd St. ..... SignsProps.: Edward Arnold and William Baum
Owing to the rapidly increasing demand for their service, the Novelty Slide Company has just opened up spacious studio and offices at 221 East Fifty-third street, New York City, where they, will be pleased to see their old customers and make new friends as well. Their stock is one of the largest in the country, and their manager, Mr. Joseph F. Coufal, reports a very large business. In addition to the slide renting, the Novelty Slide Company will manufacture song slides and announcement slides of real high-class novelty and artistic originality; this department is in charge of Mr. Gerard Passy, the well-known French photographer. Their first set of song slides, “Mary Blaine” (Helf & Hager, Publishers) is now ready, and the photography and coloring is certainly very good.
The Novelty Slide Company, manufacturer of all kinds of lantern slides, has moved from its former quarters at 67 West Twenty-third street, New York, to 115 and 117 East Twenty-third street.
Thomas T. [sic] Wiley, the able representative of the Novelty Slide Company, played a prominent part both in the manufacturers’ meetings and with his display on the exposition floor. The latter was most varied and interesting. Novelty slides were very much to the fore.
Schnapp was a logo designer and letterer who brought his classic and art deco design styles to DC Comics (then National Comics) beginning with the redesign of the Superman logo in 1940. He did a great deal of logo and lettering work for the company in the 1940s. Around 1949, he joined the staff as their in-house logo, cover lettering, and house-ad designer and letterer, and continued in that role until about 1967. He also designed the Comics Code seal.