Monday, July 29, 2013

Creator: Dale Enzenbacher

I was introduced to the work of Dale Enzenbacher in the mid-1970s at the dealers room of the San Diego Comic-Con when it was at the El Cortez Hotel. His art is truly remarkable. At the time all I could afford to buy were the belt buckles you see above. A folded handout was available at his table. Below are a detail of one side; the full image on the other side; and all the text and images on the inside.

For more information on Enzenbacher, see Starlog #25, August 1979, page 17, “SF in Bronze: The Mad Sculptor of San Francisco” by Bob Woods, which can be read at the Internet Archive.

Enzenbacher was a member of the Merry Marvel Marching Society (M. M. M. S.). His misspelled last name appeared in Kid Colt #126, January 1966.

(Next post on Monday: Kalogramas and Kalogram)


  1. I am so lucky to have many works by Dale Enzenbacher...Love the above piece...

    1. I love them too. Has anyone spoken to him lately and has anyone attempted to catalog some of his creations? I have quite a few and each is so clearly the work of a master.

    2. Such a talented artist & yes I wish we knew more about him today...A catalog would be awesome...

    3. Wondered what happened to Dale since the El Cortez days. . . . . I have the same (top) buckle as you and have been wearing it for special occasions ever since!

  2. I'm not aware of a catalog of his work.

  3. He is currently living in Eugene Oregon. I happened to have met him today.

  4. Hi, please tell him many greetings from Germany. It's an old friend of mine from Steve Heck warehouse back in Oakland.

  5. Does anybody know if Dale is still alive and working? We have a friend with one of his chess sets—a magnificent piece of work. One of the pawns went missing recently and we are trying to find somebody to replace/recast it.
